Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday, March 23 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In writer’s notebook: In the section 5 of the book, George says that he sort of knew they would never get the farm but told Lennie about it anyway.  Does he really believe this? Why would he continue telling Lennie of the farm if it isn’t a reality?
Finish Section 6
Perspective Journal (sections 5 and 6 together as one full page)
Collect chronolog sheet and perspective journals
Blog Post (ON YOUR EDUBLOGS BLOG): Slim says to George, “Ya hadda” when talking about Lennie.  Do you agree? What would make you say yes he did, what would make you say no he didn’t and in the end, which would you say more, that this was his only option or that there were others?

Work/reading time (need all OMM work (other than theme sheet) by end of block)

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thursday, March 22 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Collect Book Completion Sheets not yet in; Questions/adding to notes from yesterday
Characters vs. Society: for the four characters we read about in section 4, how do we see them in conflict with society? What part of society, how is it seen, specifically in what we just read. (add to notes)
In this chapter, we learn more about Lennie, Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife. What similarities do these four characters share? Bring up when done.
Big Idea examples: First post an example from section 4 (66-83) on to Schoology.  Then you need to bring your sheet up.  You should have at least one example for each big idea from pages 38-65 and one from 66-83 for all as well. (Use Schoology as a resource to help you if needed) Bring to me when done.
In this chapter, we see how some people can be cruel to other people. Find two or three examples--why do the characters need to be so cruel in these examples? Or, are they just ignorantly prejudiced and not really being consciously cruel?  Bring up when done.
Then work on perspective #5 (66-83): Can be Crooks, Candy, or Lennie

Read section 5 and 6

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday, March 21 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In WN: Start to brainstorm how any ideas from the book are still seen today.  What issues are faced today that are mentioned, dealt with, experienced, etc in the book?
Perspective #4 pg 49-65 (if it is done, you should read your independent book)
Reading Section 4
Characters vs. Society: for the four characters we read about in section 4, how do we see them in conflict with society? What part of society, how is it seen, specifically in what we just read. (add to notes)
In this chapter, we learn more about Lennie, Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife. What similarities do these four characters share? Bring up when done.
Theme examples: First post an example from section 4 (66-83) on to Schoology.  Then you need to bring your theme sheet up.  You should have at least one example for each theme from pages 38-65 and one from 66-83 for all as well. (Use Schoology as a resource to help you if needed) Bring to me when done.

In this chapter, we see how some people can be cruel to other people. Find two or three examples--why do the characters need to be so cruel in these examples? Or, are they just ignorantly prejudiced and not really being consciously cruel?  Bring up when done.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday, March 20 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Big Ideas Notes (add to your paper from reading through) –If you didn’t post yesterday (4/5ths of you didn’t), you need to now!
Finish section 3: 53-65
Sheets on the book (Take some time to add to chronolog and character details, make sure you are adding to themes as we read/discuss)
Section 3 quiz: On my blog; and perspective journal 4 check
Open NOTES not open book
2 extra credit questions (if you get them right on the first try), some questions count, some don’t…
Copy and past the WHOLE quiz with your answers into a doc and share with me
Perspective Journal from 49-65 (second half of 3) –I will check #3 (38-49) while you write this

Read your book (writing on the book due Thursday; end of quarter Friday.) 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday, March 19 Agenda

Bell Ringer: 20 Minutes Independent Reading/Filling out book completion sheet
Similes, Metaphors, Personification, Symbolism
Post Literary Devices and Big Idea examples on Schoology (put all three names on the posts)
One Literary Device, one example for two Big Ideas (example must come from 38-49)
Perspective Journal on the first part of section 3 (38-49): Needs to be done by the start of class tomorrow
List of Conflicts –another sheet of paper from your binder (class notes or wn sections)
Internal:  --character vs. self
External:--character vs. character                             --character vs. society        --character vs. unknown

**After you write each type of conflict, add some examples of that conflict, and for all except character vs. character, explain a little of the why/how.
Start reading OMM 49-53

Friday, March 16, 2018

Friday, March 16 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Journal from the perspective of Lennie or George: already wrote one on the first 16 pages, now write another about thoughts, feelings and reactions of either character to section 2 (17-37) –Make sure you cover ALL THE BIG POINTS from the section.  Be that character (use the word I)
Read your independent book while we wait for all to finish the perspective journal.  If you finished your book and your book completion sheet, find a new book for the last quarter!
Share most important detail from perspective journal, section 2
Presentations: Tanner, Cody, Madison, Ben
Read ch 3 38-49
Theme examples
Loneliness  --American Dream  --Friendship
--Difference between Right and Wrong

First discuss this with partner, then write in writer’s notebook: Compare the relationship between Candy and his dog with the relationship between George and Lennie. What parallels (similarities) can you find?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday, March 15 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In writer’s notebook: Why do you think George stays with Lennie? What is in it for him like the boss was asking (pg 22 the boss talks to George, look at it to review what he says)?
When done, add to and read through character details, chronolog, big ideas, read through perspective journal entry –this will help you prepare for the quiz THEN:
20 minutes Independent Reading Time: Use it to read, or fill out your sheet (even if you already filled one out, read!!!)
1-30 Quiz
Presentations: Evan H., Hunter, Madison,
Take out your sheets from Of Mice and Men: Read rest of 2 (31-37)
Chronolog (Character details on back), theme examples
Specific themes to talk about (make sure you have some details from today’s reading (or earlier) in these categories): Importance of Relationships, American Dream, Innocence, Loneliness  Access Code: NFH7S-B8WFQ
Post an example in TWO big ideas on Schoology
Read through everyone’s posts on the big ideas, then turn off your computer

Journal from the perspective of Lennie or George: already wrote one on the first 16 pages, now write another about thoughts, feelings and reactions of either character to section 2 (17-37).  Be that character (use the word I)

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Wednesday, March 14 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In writer’s notebook: Can dreams become actual plans, or are they aspirations that should remain untouched, so that there’s always something to reach for? Why? Explain your ideas in depth. (if you aren’t in your seat, with the sheets out when the bell rings, you WILL be tardy)
Journal check
Share at least one of your ideas from Journal as Lennie or George for 1st 16 pages
Section 2 17-29
Chronolog, Characters, Themes
Candy, Curley, Crooks
1-30 Quiz tomorrow!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tuesday, March 13 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Presentations: Brianna, Jordan, Rylee, Tony, Caleb, Evan C. 
Finish Section 1 OMM:
Theme Tracing, Character Chart, Chronolog
Pick either George or Lennie and in their voice, write a journal entry based on what has happened so far.  Make a new section within your Writer’s Notebook section (or you can type them) for these entries – each entry needs to be about ½ to ¾ of a page long.
Make sure you cover what happened in that section from their perspective
Their thoughts, feelings, reactions, etc. connected to events

Read your independent book while you wait for all to finish (book completion sheet due on March 22)

Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday, March 12 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Reminder on Sources: need to credit where info comes on individual points as well as a sources section/slide at the end
If you are ready to present, come and tell me, then read your independent book. If you aren’t ready, use this time to GET READY!
Presentation order: Reis, David, Matt
Discuss WN Entry from Friday (belonging vs. loneliness)
Read Section 1 (1-11)
Add to character details, and any examples of themes (loneliness, American Dream, Imp. Rel)
Relationship of George and Lennie

In your character chart, write a quick description of their relationship

Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday, March 9 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In writer’s notebook, write at least a paragraph on these questions: What does it mean to belong? How important is it for human beings to have a place where they belong, where there are people who know them and love them?
Work on your presentation if needed or read your book (we will have work time until 1:30)
Presentation Practice Time
Once you have presented to your partner, and they to you, and you have filled out the evaluation form, work on finishing your presentation, fixing it/making it stronger, or reading your independent book
Hand out OMM books

Flight books will be collected on Monday

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thursday, March 8 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Presentation Work Time
Things I noticed in my check yesterday: NEED IMAGES!! At least one a slide/point; make sure you are connecting each point you are making to research that you cite as well as the book (where you also cite)
American Dream
American Dream Questions (paragraph answers 2-5) due by 1:45
Bring to me when completed
Independent Book: Read or work on book completion sheet (can switch to presentation at 1:40)
Work Cited Page for Presentation –slide in presentation, MLA format (look at the document shared with you from earlier this year for directions)

Presentation practice on Friday (need at least half of your presentation finished by beginning of class tomorrow!!!)

Friday, March 2, 2018

Friday, March 2 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Time for finishing up research notes and/or starting the presentation work. 
Potential Types: PowerPoint (or Google Slides) , Prezi, WeVideo, PowToon, Haiku Deck, Animoto, Bunkr, Knowledge Vision, Visme
Anticipation Statements for Of Mice and Men
In the Statement section: Pick two statements, one that you agree with most and one that you disagree with most.  For each, give a quick explanation of your beliefs on your blog. –write the statement, your rating, then at least two sentences explaining why you rated it as you did.
Time to add clarification, visual displays of data, images, strength to your presentation.
Presentation work time
Works Cited Page
Look at the rubric and make sure you are on the path to the left
Presentations Wednesday? Thursday?
Independent Reading time: if you feel you are ready to present (I’m pretty much thinking no one will be done with the presentation today, but you never know)
Time to work on missing work/read
Any Flight work that you would like to be worth points is due Wednesday!
Transformation Sheet due Monday

Thursday, March 1 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Theme Paragraphs -need to be shared with me or turned in by hand by Friday
Presentation Work Time
Notes time (if you don’t have at least 10 potential sources, get to that point)
Aim to have all notes done by end of tomorrow’s work time
Highlighted sections of rubric (subject knowledge, logical appeal, counter arguments)
If you need a break from your research, you can read your independent book
Presentation Work Time
Look at the rubric and make sure you are on the path to the left
Make sure you have notes on at least 7 or more sources before you start to create your presentation
Potential Types: PowerPoint (or Google Slides) , Prezi, WeVideo, PowToon, Haiku Deck, Animoto, Bunkr, Knowledge Vision, Visme
‘First Draft’ Presentation needs to be done by Tuesday, works cited doesn’t (Wednesday)

• The Zits' Transformations sheet will be collected on Monday