Monday, November 17, 2014

Holocaust Background

At this point in time, you have probably studied the Holocaust a few times in school and been exposed to books or movies that occur in this time (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Book Thief, etc.).  We are going to be reading the book Night by Elie Wiesel, which will give us insight to an individual who lived through this horrendous time period.

With a partner, you need to brainstorm all that you know about the Holocaust (time, people, places, etc.).  You need to post that brainstormed list as a comment to this post and we will use the lists as we begin to discuss our next book.


  1. Daniel & Shane
    Adolf Hitler was the one who had the idea to kill the Jew
    Caused the Americans to go into WW2
    Genocide that killed many many Jews
    third Reich
    Nazi’s which were located mainly in Germany were Adolf's army
    Hitler believed in eugenics
    Jews were taken to concentration camps, gulags
    Propaganda about how Jews were bad
    Nazi’s tried to destroy Jewish art
    The Nazi’s lost

  2. Jews were the target
    Was run by Hitler/Nazis (Germans)
    Killed people in gas chambers/shot
    Took place during the 40’s
    Concentration camps
    Families were forced out of their homes/treated like slaves
    In the end the Nazis were defeated
    Starved just about to death

  3. Through the years 1939-1945 in Germany an unspeakable act was taking place something we know as the Holocaust. 6 million people were killed, Jewish people. There was gas chambers, trains, executions, concentration camps and just torture.

  4. Mass Genocide
    Nazis tried to take over Europe
    Adolf Hitler
    Concentration camps
    Fought to survive
    Tried to eliminate non Aryans
    The Nazi SS
    Destroyed many cities
    Gas chambers
    Execution Squads

  5. killed a lot of people, people who were killed were Jews, gypies, mental disabled, put in concentration camps tortured and put in gas chambers, and experimented on. Treated poorly have no property trashed businesses embarrassed them ruled by Hitler wanted a blonde hair blue eyes race only even though he wasn’t either. lindsy-kirstin
