Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday, Dec. 15 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Essay test: either print out or pull up your outline
As you are writing the essay, make sure you are writing in sentences and paragraphs that demonstrate your best writing abilities.  Make sure you follow TIQA with your evidence
Throughout the novel Night, Elie explains his relationship with his faith.  Using examples from the book, explain how Elie’s faith changes due to his experiences during this time.
How does the book Night help us to better understand the importance of relationships? What are the different types of relationships seen in the book and how do they affect people?
What is the overall feeling or tone of the book Night and how is that feeling created?
Presentations will be in the hall, when you aren’t presenting, you will be working QUIETLY on these things:
If your visual aid for your interview is done, you can either read your own book or watch a part of this video: (it is linked on Schoology in the Night folder)

JOURNAL COLLECTION: You should have 11 entries, they need to be in order  

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