Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday, Jan. 31 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Take out your quote tracing packet and your Flight book
Chapter 2
Quote Tracing: Themes, Impact/Offensive, Zits’ Character (identity), Historical (connections for your topic) –postits??
In your Writer’s Notebook: What do you think is the most important aspect (part) of Zits’ character? What defines him the most?  Do you feel he is an accurate depiction of a teen? Why? (That why applies to all questions…support your opinions with details!) –read independent book/work on your research (ch3 and 4 groups) when done
Time for Research
Last 5 min: TALK with your group members –team lead, send me a document with notes on the second and fourth bullets:
What have you found?
What do you still need to find? Especially important for those with info in ch 3 and 4
What do you understand?

What do you need clarity on?

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday, Jan. 30 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Turn on your computer
Historical and Cultural Examinations Assignment
Assimilation Background as a large group
Share your assimilation notes document with me then read your independent reading book
Assimilation Info
Small Group work time
Time for groups to research and divide up work to do
You want to have a good start on looking at the links I’ve given you

You are going to need to find sites other than what I have given you to fully understand and explain your event/time

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday, Jan. 26 Agenda

Discuss Bell Ringer
Response writing on your blog:  While responding: what are you thinking about the book we will be reading? What are points from the article that you are interested in seeing in the novel? Are there things you feel you won’t like? Why? Any response to what we have talked about and read in the article!
When done, read your book
Intro to book, how the unit will work
First Themes to Trace: Loneliness and Identity
Quote Tracing: keep track of textual evidence that stands out to you about themes, historical events, Zits’ experience, how people can connect with it or details that show it is a book ‘with an impact,’ or evidence that would make people dislike the book/find it offensive  (You can use the sheets I give you, post-its, or your own sheet of paper)

What are some lines from the first pages that would make it a book that ‘has an impact’? What are lines that would cause people to question its use in a classroom? What are lines that show us Zits’ character? What are lines that connect to the bio article? 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday, Jan. 25 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Writer’s Notebook: What does it mean to be a teenager (literal and deeper meaning)?  How does loneliness feel and what can it make a person do or think? How is loneliness tied to the teenage ideas? –keep writing on the idea of teens and/or loneliness until we move on
Writing Craft Lesson- notes in that section of writer’s notebook
Take notes on Paragraph structure on the ‘pre-test’ you get back
Join the Edublogs class (directions shared with you in drive)
You need to post your lists (with where idea comes from) as a comment on my blog
First Novel: Flight by Sherman Alexie
Intro to Alexie –finish the last three paragraphs independently, close reading
Response writing TOMORROW

While responding: what are you thinking about the book we will be reading? What are points from the article that you are interested in seeing in the novel? Are there things you feel you won’t like? Why? Any response to what we have talked about and read in the article!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday, Jan. 24 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
Expectations and Procedures
10 minutes to finish paragraphs; Collect 3 Paragraphs
Reading Time (make sure you like the book you have chosen)
Binder Division
Paragraph Organizing Pre-Test –hand in when complete

Discussion: With your group, talk about what you know or think you know about both the foster care system in the US and about Native Americans.  Write these two lists so tomorrow you can write as comments on the Contemp. Lit class blog.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday, Jan. 23 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Seats: Check the seating chart on the stool
What you need EVERY DAY-
Writer’s Notebook- in your BINDER (if you turned one in to Mrs. Jensen, it will be in one of the boxes in the front)
Writing utensil

In Writer’s Notebook section: Why do we write?  What are all of the reasons you can think of concerning why people write? Purposes? Goals? Etc.  We will share in 5-10 min
Go to:
Follow directions on the blog
Library for Book of Choice- NEED by Wednesday, have one for today (at least 1 book completed per quarter)

Writing Sample: Write in your writer’s notebook, or on a sheet that can be put in that section when you have a binder