Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday, April 30 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Chapter 4 small group
Small Group on 4 “Answers”
Reading Night
Questions on the beginning of chapter 5 (66-76)
How do we see the idea of Elie’s faith or loss of faith for anyone in the section we read? Be specific explaining what he’s feeling now (and what others are feeling).
Rosh Hashanah = Jewish New Year = September.  What was the New Year’s ‘gift’ given to the prisoners? Explain what it is.
How did Elie go through? (pg 72)
Bring your answers to these questions up to me
Journal entry on 66-76
You should have journals on: 3-11, 11-23, 23-34, 34-46, 47-54, 54-65, 66-76

Work on Research (deeper understanding and impact of Holocaust and events related) 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In your writing section: Five words/phrases that describe Night so far.  Have the reasons for each in your head, ready to share.
PP/GS Presentations: Mat, Evan C., Evan H., Tanner
I read to: 61
You read to: 65 (end of ch 4).  As you read, jot down important details, connections, questions, etc.  You will have a small group discussion on this part
Now create at least one question on the pages read!** bring notes and question to me when done
Once you have that, make sure you have written the following things:
In Journal section: One short paragraph explaining what concentration camp life has made of Elie so far (last line read on 54)** -should be done
Then pick a section/idea from page 47-54 and respond to it/reflect on it (shorter journal) –should be done
You need one journal entry from pg 54-65 –DO THIS NOW
If you finish all of this before we move on, work on your project (either finishing the social issue one or starting the Holocaust one [shared w/you]) or read your independent book!!!
Expanding knowledge of background and impact of historical events as represented in literature (Research on the Holocaust): introduced
Look at Schoology “More details and/or Images” thread (also your postits that you hopefully have been sticking in your book..)

Visual Aid Ideas: Prezi, HaikuDeck, Thinglink, Picktochart, Movie Maker, WeVideo, search around for other ways to create a visual aid

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday, April 26 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Reading Night
Chapter 4: read to page 54 (stop at the ellipses (…) at the bottom)
In Journal section: One short paragraph explaining what concentration camp life has made of Elie so far (last line read on 54)
Then pick a section/idea from page 47-54 and respond to it/reflect on it (shorter journal –one paragraph)
Share links/projects
I need rubrics from people who are ‘turning in’ their project
Project Links document

New Information sheet

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, April 25 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Night
Finish 42-46
Journal on yesterday/today’s section (journal 4 34-46)
Schoology Post: “More details and/or Images” follow the directions on the post
When you finish this, read your own book, finish reviews, read reviews of your project, or work on your project while we wait for all to catch up
Ch 1-3 Small Group Discussion (post on 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10)

Things to work on when: READ your book (needs to be done by end of semester); peer reviews (if necessary); read through the reviews for YOUR project; project work time (if necessary to make your project exemplary in ALL categories of the rubric) –all projects are due TOMORROW

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday, April 24 Agenda

Bell Ringer:  Read 34-42
WHILE READING: In notes/post its: More details added to list of what needs more detail, what you need to see or hear more of to get a deeper understanding of history and the human experience AS WELL AS marking for your journal
Peer Review Time
Make sure you have reviewed each of your classmates’ projects  (from your smaller group) and answered the questions for each one (shared with them and me)
When you have reviewed them all (in your group), read through the reviews on your project
Start making adjustments and changes to help your project be the best it can be (WORK ON YOUR PROJECT, USE THE RUBRIC).
Read your book if you finish your project before we move on.

Project work time

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, April 23 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Go to page 32-33 Start at, “How was it possible…” read to “His voice broke” (pg33). Answer Ellie’s question and react to what his dad said about the world.  Do you think this is true today? Could this still happen? Defend your answer with details, explaining your thoughts. –bring to me when done
Pg. 32 “How was it possible that men, women, and children were being burned and that the world kept silent?” (Elie’s question)
Pg. 33 Dad response: “The world is not interested in us. Today, everything is possible, even the crematoria…”
Work time on project: At the end of the work time, I need ANOTHER EMAIL with your link and percentage done AT THIS POINT, which needs to be a larger percentage than Friday…

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday, April 20 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In Writer’s Notebook: What in the book do you still need more clarity on? What would you like to see pictures of, have more information on, or hear a different account? (Post one idea from this list to Schoology discussion after we read today)
As we read today, mark with a post-it many details that you could use more info/a visual of
Ex: how did they section off parts of town to be a ghetto
Reading pg 23-34
Journal on today’s section –bring journal to me when done
If you haven’t shared the link to your project with me, do it as soon as your entry is done (let me know how complete it is); if you are presenting ‘live’, put your name on the board. –email link to me (with % complete)
If your project isn’t done, work on it NOW!  If you are ready for others to see it, read your book as long as you have checked with the rubric for your project and shared it with me
Peer Reviews of Presentations: this will happen MONDAY
FINAL version of project  (the one I will grade) due THURSDAY

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday, April 19 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Reading Pg. 14-23
Journal on this section
On Schoology: What are the two most important points/pieces of information/phrases/quotes from what we read today? Write the point and then a short explanation of why.
Time to work on project (if it isn’t done), or read (you need to finish a book for this quarter as well) –don’t forget Target Audience form
Fill out Project Explanation Questions: Complete sentences; questions shared with you through Google Drive; type answers and share with me
What is your target audience (GROUP)?
Why did you pick the way you did to convey your information to your group? (Why is this most applicable to your group?)
Why do you believe the issue you focused on is important and specifically to the group you picked?

Make sure your project is shared with me by tomorrow, end of block, at the latest –if it isn’t done, WORK ON IT!!! COMPLETED FIRST DRAFT looked at by me tomorrow, on MONDAY by the class.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday, April 18 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Continue Reading Night (4-11)
From what we read today, pick an image, phrase, line, passage (paragraph or section) or idea and journal on it.
Journal from today
We know that this is a story about the author’s experience in Auschwitz, but at the beginning he talks about things that could have spared them that future.  What details so far could have saved them from going to the camps? (give at least two details, three if you can) Bring your answer up to me when you are done (in order to take a break) and then work on your notes/project.
Emigrate: leave one’s country to settle in another
Research Time
When you turn in your project (on Friday), you will have a sheet explaining these questions:
What is your target audience (GROUP)?
Why did you pick the way you did to convey your information to your group? (Why is this most applicable to your group?)
Why do you believe the issue you focused on is important and important specifically to the group you picked?

First Draft Due Friday. (shared digitally w/me)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, April 17 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Social Awareness Project
Your notes should be done by the end of work time today (beginning of tomorrow at the latest)
You now have an issue that you are focusing on that is important to some specific group today
You need to know what group you are targeting and what mode of conveying information will best target that group
Begin/Continue creating your ‘presentation’ of information, citing your sources
Finish Preface –collect questions
Sighet before the war Pics
Start the book (page 3)

Research: First draft project DUE Fri.!!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, April 13 Agenda

Bell Ringer: What is your social issue? Write it on the board with your name ASAP
Research Time: Where are you in this schedule?
Research questions and compile a list of potential resources
Read your sources, thinking of the big social issue that your theme connects to. Take notes while reading as to how your sources give you information about your social issue
Figure out what group of people most needs the information about this issue, figure out how to best get information out to them
Put together a ‘presentation’ of information, bringing social awareness to the issue that you have focused on
If you are done with notes, start creating the project.
Don’t forget to cite your sources –give credit to where your information comes from in your presentation
Target Audience Form: Make sure you fill this out (link on the blog) as soon as you know your target audience.  Since you should be done with notes at the end of class Monday, you should have this filled out by then too (
You will ‘present’ to the class and (possibly) somehow share your information to the specific group you are targeting.
You should have a book that you are reading, if you need a break, read.
Discuss reactions to the quote
Night Preface: answer questions while you read

Discuss a few of the questions of the preface

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 12 Agenda

Bell Ringer: NOTES TIME!
You need to keep thinking of the questions on the instructions document I shared with you to get you to the point when you can begin compiling your research into a ‘presentation’ of information
By 1:15 you need to have notes (what does it say to help answer any of your research questions, does it direct you toward a specific social issue, how connected to the theme, look at the directions for pt. 2 for other questions for notes, etc.) on 2-3 of your sources and you should know the specific social issue that you are going to be focusing on relating to your theme and a list of possible groups to target
Research Schedule
Create Questions, at least 8 (we did this on Tuesday)
Find 5 potential resources by using your questions as starting points
Read and take notes on 2-3 of your first five sources, getting an overall idea. (THIS IS WHAT I’M CHECKING AT 1:15)  Then continue finding potential resources (aim for 20+)
Once you have a long list (20+), continue reading your sources, thinking of the big social issue that your theme represents.
Ex. THEME: People with mental illnesses being misunderstood leading to hardships. Issue: Lack of access to mental health care and impact and stigma
Take notes while reading as to how your sources give you information about your social issue/theme
Figure out what group of people most needs the information about this issue and theme, figure out how to best get information out to them
Ex. Family members? Teens who are facing issues? Politicians?
Put together a ‘presentation’ of information, bringing social awareness to the issue that you have focused on
Background on the Holocaust (post to Schoology with person you are sitting next to, then work on quote)
Read and react to the quote (half a page, in writer’s notebook)
For many students, Night is their first exposure to Auschwitz…Night grabs the attention of students and never lets go until the end. Like Catcher in the Rye, it is a coming of age story. Like Antigone or Oedipus, it forces students to grapple with universal questions of good and evil. Like 1984 and Brave New World, it asks what kind of society do we live in, what kind of social system have we devised? And above all else, Night asks us to consider what it means to be human." — From Bearing Witness by Beth Aviv Greenbaum
What do you notice about it/what do you think it means or parts of it? What do you agree with? What confuses you? What are you thinking about the book? Etc. –this answer should be two paragraphs (at least a half page of content)

 Project Explanation

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday, April 11 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Paper Collected after 20 minutes (and upload final to Turnitin); collect OMM books from those done with paper
Movie -collect differences note sheet
RESEARCH TIME: Create a HUGE list of potential sources –your end goal is to have a larger point about your theme today, not just that it exists (this list needs to be shared with me)
What gets you points at the end of work time:
Notes on 1-2 of your sources (once you get 5 potential, start to take some notes)

20+ potential sources on document shared with me by today (you should have shared this with me a few days ago)

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday, April 10 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Pt. 2 of Book Final Assessment: Create a research focus question and begin finding articles, sites, etc with information to help answer your question
Final In Class Work Time on Paper (40 minutes)
MLA format
Works Cited Reminder
PEER EDIT: Must be done by 2:00 for any points given
Research goal: Present (many ways possible, you pick the best that fits your audience) your ideas about your research questions. Answers the questions and applies to the audience that most connects to the theme/issue. Need to provide social awareness of this issue that is also seen in the book.
How is the theme you focused on reflected in today’s society? What does this theme and the examples from today say about today’s society?
8 Research Questions due today!!
More of the movie

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday, April 9 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop
PEER EDIT if first draft done
Edit and Revise body paragraphs, intro and conclusion
Rubric for paper (due Wednesday)
If you aren’t done with your first draft, you need to keep working on it.
You need to meet with me if you have a second draft of your body paragraphs, an intro and a conclusion: pick a specific focus area (sign up on board)
You need to self edit and revise.  I am expecting a solid piece of writing.  You need to make sure you are looking for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, fluency, as well as the analysis stuff that I commented on.
Works Cited Page

You need a works cited page, it will only have one entry (for OMM)

Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday, April 6 Agenda

Bell Ringer: If you have a rough draft (or a second draft) of all four body paragraphs (and intro and conclusion if complete), upload it to the second OMM assignment in Turnitin
Writer’s Workshop:
Read through my comments, ASK ME if you have questions
Write Introduction and Conclusion
Fix Body Paragraphs
Read independent book if done with a complete first/second draft
Writer’s Workshop time
Peer Edit: you can only edit if your body paragraph rough draft is complete.  Peer Review on Turnitin
Write your Intro and Conclusion (you can do this before or after peer editing) if you didn’t yesterday
Self Edit: Fix the issues noted by Mrs. Johnson, the purple layer in Turnitin, and a peer and then print out the new draft.  Self edit this second draft, marking all areas you need to fix or add to.
Final draft due on Wednesday.  Make sure I have read through it (and commented on it) before you feel it is ready.  Remember, you need an intro, body (with paragraph on society during the GD) and a conclusion.
Try to think of this for your society paragraph: We can say that people during the GD were    or valued    because of (what details from your paper?)…

A bit more of movie at some point, as long as time is used well…

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Thursday, April 5 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Discussion of Social Values paragraphs
What do the quotes and theme show about society’s values during the Great Depression
Post on Schoology, then work on your body paragraphs 
Try to write one for me (together)
Finish rough draft body paras
1 paragraph explaining what the theme of the book and your examples show about the society’s values during the Great Depression
Try to think of this for your society paragraph: We can say that people during the GD were    or valued    because of (what details from your paper?)…

Finish ALL Body Paragraphs 
Writer’s Workshop:
Read through my comments, ASK ME if you have questions
Write Introduction and Conclusion
Fix Body Paragraphs
Read independent book if done with a complete first/second draft
A bit more of movie if… most have at least four body paragraphs done
At the ABSOLUTE minimum, you should have a rough draft of all four body paragraphs ready to print out when class starts tomorrow

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wednesday, April 4 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Outline check
Thesis and next steps
Thesis as first sentence on rough draft portion of document
Your evidence must prove the ENTIRE thesis (theme)
TIQA- the analysis is the most important part: HOW does the evidence prove/show your theme?
3 paragraphs showing the theme of the book (or two with two pieces of textual evidence in each) Uploaded to Turnitin by 8PM

Watch part of the movie –watch for differences, create a list (due when movie is finished)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesday, April 3 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Social Issues today
Connecting brainstorming to Big Ideas and Themes of the book (What issues are faced today that are mentioned, dealt with, experienced, etc in the book?)
For each issue, write what theme or themes can connect to it
Theme and Social Issue in the book (posting, meeting with group)
Post on my Edublogs blog post the ** answers from each of your sheets
Theme Essay Writer’s Workshop
Assignment shared with you in Google Docs
Picking Quotes: need the three or four BEST for theme
Paragraph format: TIQA

Find your pieces of textual evidence you are using for your paper, then put into outline format