•Bell Ringer: In your writing section: Five words/phrases that describe Night so far. Have the reasons for each in your head, ready to share.
•PP/GS Presentations: Mat, Evan C., Evan H., Tanner
•I read to: 61
•You read to: 65 (end of ch 4). As you read, jot down important details, connections, questions, etc. You will have a small group discussion on this part
•Now create at least one question on the pages read!** bring notes and question to me when done
•Once you have that, make sure you have written the following things:
•In Journal section: One short paragraph explaining what concentration camp life has made of Elie so far (last line read on 54)** -should be done
•Then pick a section/idea from page 47-54 and respond to it/reflect on it (shorter journal) –should be done
•You need one journal entry from pg 54-65 –DO THIS NOW
•If you finish all of this before we move on, work on your project (either finishing the social issue one or starting the Holocaust one [shared w/you]) or read your independent book!!!
•Expanding knowledge of background and impact of historical events as represented in literature (Research on the Holocaust): introduced
•Look at Schoology “More details and/or Images” thread (also your postits that you hopefully have been sticking in your book..)
•Visual Aid Ideas: Prezi, HaikuDeck, Thinglink, Picktochart, Movie Maker, WeVideo, search around for other ways to create a visual aid
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