Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday, Nov. 30 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Go to page 32-33 Start at, “How was it possible…” read to “His voice broke” (pg33). Answer Ellie’s question and react to what his dad said about the world.  Do you think this is true today? Could this still happen? Defend your answer with details, explaining your thoughts.
If you haven’t shared the link to your project with me, do it as soon as your entry is done; if you are presenting ‘live’, put your name on the board.
If your project isn’t done, work on it NOW!  If you are ready for others to see it, read your book as long as you have done bullet #2
Peer Reviews of Presentations: reviews due at end of work time tomorrow

FINAL version of project  (the one I will grade) due Friday

Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday, Nov. 20 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Bell Ringer: In Writer’s Notebook: What in the book do you still need more clarity on? What would you like to see pictures of, have more information on, or hear a different account?
Journal from yesterday’s section (23-34)
Fill out Project Explanation Questions: Complete sentences; questions shared with you through Google Drive; type answers and share with me
What is your target audience (GROUP)?
Why did you pick the way you did to convey your information to your group? (Why is this most applicable to your group?)
Why do you believe the issue you focused on is important and specifically to the group you picked?
Time to work on project (if it isn’t done), or read (you need to finish a book for this quarter as well)

Make sure your project is shared with me (make sure I have it by Nov. 30)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday, Nov. 19 Agenda

Bell Ringer: On my blog: What are the two most important points/pieces of information/phrases/quotes from what we read yesterday? Write the point and then a short explanation of why.
Research Time
Individual meeting with Mrs. Johnson about the project during work time
Work time for Research Project
Due tomorrow
Extra Credit: somehow prove to me that your project reached its target audience (more than just our class): due Monday (after Thanksgiving)

Reading pg 23-34

Night pg. 11-22 Important Info

What are the two most important points/pieces of information/phrases/quotes from what we read yesterday? Write each point and then a short explanation (2-3 sentences) of why you feel that is important for each.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday, Nov. 18 Agenda

Bell Ringer: We know that this is a story about the author’s experience in Auschwitz, but at the beginning he talks about things that could have spared them that future.  What details so far could have saved them from going to the camps? Bring your answer up to me when you are done and then read your own book until we move on.
Emigrate: leave one’s country to settle in another
Reading Pg. 11-23
Journal on today’s section
Research: DUE Friday!!
When you turn in your project, you will have a sheet explaining these questions:
What is your target audience (GROUP)?
Why did you pick the way you did to convey your information to your group? (Why is this most applicable to your group?)
Why do you believe the issue you focused on is important and important specifically to the group you picked?

In order to leave, I need you to write an explanation of where you are in your presentation work and what SPECIFICALLY you need to do in order to complete your presentation by Friday.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday, Nov. 17 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Night (10 minutes to work on Preface Questions)
Discuss a few of the questions of the preface
Begin Reading Night (3-11)
From what we read today, pick an image, phrase, line, passage (paragraph or section) or idea and journal on it.
Journal from today
Social Awareness Project
Your notes should be done
You now have an issue that you are focusing on that is important to some specific group today
You need to know what group you are targeting and what mode of conveying information will best target that group
Begin/Continue creating your ‘presentation’ of information, citing your sources
You will present to the class and (possibly) somehow share your information to the specific group you are targeting.

You should have a book that you are reading, if you need a break, read.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday, Nov. 16 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Read and react to the quote (half a page, in writer’s notebook)
Background on the Holocaust
Research Project Time
Research Time
All notes should be done ASAP!!!
Less than one week and this project is due!!!
You will present your information to the class and/or share it with the group you feel most needs to know about your issue.
If you are done with notes, start creating the project.
Don’t forget to cite your sources –give credit to where your information comes from in your presentation

Night Preface: answer questions while you read (HOMEWORK)

Holocaust Background

At this point in time, you have probably studied the Holocaust a few times in school and been exposed to books or movies that occur in this time (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Book Thief, etc.).  We are going to be reading the book Night by Elie Wiesel, which will give us insight to an individual who lived through this horrendous time period.

With a partner, you need to brainstorm all that you know about the Holocaust (time, people, places, etc.).  You need to post that brainstormed list as a comment to this post and we will use the lists as we begin to discuss our next book.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday, Nov. 13 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Rubric and Project Explanation
Research Time: Where are you in this schedule?
Research questions and compile a list of potential resources
Read your sources, thinking of the big social issue that your theme connects to. Take notes while reading as to how your sources give you information about your social issue
Figure out what group of people most needs the information about this issue, figure out how to best get information out to them
Put together a ‘presentation’ of information, bringing social awareness to the issue that you have focused on
You need to have all notes taken by the end of class Monday, at the ABSOLUTE latest
Target Audience Form: Make sure you fill out the form on Target Audience when you know what yours is.  This should be done by the end of class on Monday AT THE LATEST!

Your project is due next Friday, so you should be thinking about how you want to convey your knowledge and who most needs it

Target Audience Post

Please fill out this form as soon as you know your research project's target audience: 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday, Nov. 12 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Collect final drafts (with works cited page), collect books if your paper is done
Research Info
Create Questions (done)
Research your questions and compile a list of potential resources (done)
Once you have a long list, start reading your sources, thinking of the big social issue that your theme represents. (done: need an issue picked)
Ex. People with mental illnesses being misunderstood leading to hardships
Take notes while reading as to how your sources give you information about your social issue/theme
Figure out what group of people most needs the information about this issue and theme, figure out how to best get information out to them
Ex. Family members? Teens who are facing issues? Politicians?
Put together a ‘presentation’ of information, bringing social awareness to the issue that you have focused on
RESEARCH TIME: What is your social issue? Write it on the board with your name ASAP
You need to keep thinking of the questions on the document I shared with you to get you to the point when you can begin compiling your research into a ‘presentation’ of information

Note Taking

Research Post

Click on the link below to post a new piece of information you learned today about your topic:

Link to Post

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday, Nov. 11 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Final Work Time on Paper (20 minutes at least): Paper due tomorrow!!!
MLA format
Works Cited Reminder
Research Time
OMM Theme Instructions document in Drive
Look at Part 2
Where are you in research?
What gets you points at the end of work time:
20+ potential sources on document shared with me by today (you should have shared this with me a few days ago)
Notes on at least 3-5 you will be using for your ‘presentation’ (you should aim for more though and this is due by the beginning of class tomorrow)

By tomorrow you need to have notes (what does it say to help answer any of your research questions, does it direct you toward a specific social issue, how connected to the theme, look at the directions for pt. 2 for other questions for notes, etc.) on 3 of your sources and you should know the specific social issue that you are going to be focusing on relating to your theme and a list of possible groups to target

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday, Nov. 10 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Rubric for paper (due Thursday)
If you aren’t done with your first draft, you need to keep working on it.
You need to meet with me if you have a second draft of your body paragraphs, an intro and a conclusion: pick a specific focus area (signed up on board)
You need to self edit and revise.  I am expecting a solid piece of writing.  You need to make sure you are looking for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, fluency, as well as the analysis stuff that I commented on.
Works Cited Page
Before you turn in your paper, create a works cited page and turn it in as the last page in your paper
Research goal: Present (many ways possible, you pick the best that fits your audience) your ideas about your research questions. Answers the questions and applies to the audience that most connects to the theme/issue. Need to provide social awareness of this issue that is also seen in the book.
Research Time
Use your questions (most need to make more: I need to see 8) as jumping off points for your research of how your theme is seen today: don’t only use the questions, search other concepts that come up as you find sources!!!  Before you search, highlight the main words/key terms in the questions that will help you research.
How is the theme you focused on reflected in today’s society? What does this theme and the examples from today say about today’s society?

Create a HUGE list of potential sources –your end goal is to have a larger point about your theme today, not just that it exists (this list needs to be saved with me)  By the end of the block today you should have 5 to start.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday, Nov. 9 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Craft Lesson Section: An introduction to a paper should have… A conclusion to a paper should have…
Intros and Conclusions Notes- put the sheet in your craft lesson section and then follow the steps as you write your intro and conclusion rough drafts
Writer’s Workshop
Intro and Conclusion
Edit and Revise body paragraphs
Peer Edit (form linked on the blog); if you peer edited on Friday, meet with the person whose paper you read and tell them what you filled out for their paper (look at the form to help you out)
Work time on draft
Peer Editing
Final draft due on Thursday.  Make sure I have read through it (and commented on it) before you feel it is ready.  Remember, you need an intro, body (with paragraph on society during the GD) and a conclusion.
Try to think of this for your society paragraph: We can say that people during the GD were    or valued    because of (what details from your paper?)…

Pt. 2 of Book Final Assessment: Create a research focus question and begin finding articles, sites, etc with information to help answer your question

Share your Research Document with me (should have theme, potential issues, and at least three research questions)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday, Nov. 6 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Cause and Effect: with a partner, share a document with me that lists the 9 events in order.  Then highlight the events with the most causes yellow, and those with the most effects orange.  You might find that you have multiple things highlighted the same color, that is fine.  When you have finished this, read your book for a bit.
Writer’s Workshop:
Read through my comments, add comments if you have questions
Finish Rough Draft Body Paragraphs (if necessary)
Fix Body Paragraphs or Print out for Peer Edit (see info below)
Writer’s Workshop time
Write your Intro and Conclusion (you can do this before or after peer editing)
Peer Edit: you can only edit if your body paragraph rough draft is complete.  Switch printed off copies with someone else and then edit their paper and fill out the form online

Self Edit: Fix the issues noted by Mrs. Johnson and a peer and then print out the new draft.  Self edit this second draft, marking all areas you need to fix or add to.

OMM Theme Paper Peer Edit Form

Here is the link for the peer edit form.  Remember, you can only do this if you have all of your body paragraphs done (including the one on society during the Great Depression).

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday, Nov. 5 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Find your pieces of textual evidence you are using for your paper
Discussion of Social Values paragraphs
What do your quotes and theme show about society’s values during the Great Depression 
Try to write one for me (together)
Finish rough draft
3 paragraphs showing the theme of the book (or two with two pieces of textual evidence in each)

1 paragraph explaining what the theme of the book and your examples show about the society’s values during the Great Depression

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday, Nov. 4 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Big events of the book: Cause and Effect due tomorrow
Thesis and next steps
Thesis as first sentence on document
Your evidence must prove the ENTIRE thesis (theme)

TIQA- the analysis is the most important part: HOW does the evidence prove/show your theme?

Rough Draft of Body Paragraph 1 due by end of the hour!!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Tuesday, Nov. 3 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In writer’s notebook: In the end of the book, George says that he sort of knew they would never get the farm but told Lennie about it anyway.  Does he really believe this? Why would he continue telling Lennie of the farm if it isn’t a reality?
Collect character and chronolog sheet
Perspective Journals due tomorrow
Theme Essay Writer’s Workshop
Assignment shared with you in Google Docs
Picking Quotes: need the three or four BEST for theme
Paragraph format: TIQA

Monday, Nov. 2 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Connecting brainstorming from Friday to Themes of the book (What issues are faced today that are mentioned, dealt with, experienced, etc in the book?)
For each issue, write what theme or themes can connect to it
Read section 5 and 6
WN Entry: Slim says to George, “Ya hadda” when talking about Lennie.  Do you agree? What would make you say yes he did, what would make you say no he didn’t and in the end, which would you say more, that this was his only option or that there were others?
Perspective Journal (sections 5 and 6 together as one full page)
Theme and Social Issue in the book
Social Issues today

Work/reading time (need all OMM sheets (other than theme sheet) by tomorrow)