Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tuesday, May 14 Agenda

  • Bell Ringer: Book Check in (OMM and others)
  • 10 minutes independent reading
  • In Writer’s Notebook: Answer this question in one paragraph: Do you think that all stories are somewhat autobiographical?  In other words, when people write, are they always putting their own experiences and life in their novels? Why do you think this?
  • RESEARCH TIME: Finish finding five potential sources and then take notes on 1-2 of them, thinking of the questions you created and the questions on the directions document.  THEN: Create a HUGE list of potential sources –your end goal is to have a larger point about your theme today, not just that it exists (this list needs to be shared with me)
    • What gets you points at the end of the first half of work time:
      • Notes on 1-2 of your sources (once you get 5 potential, start to take some notes)
      • 20+ potential sources on document by beginning of class tomorrow at the LATEST!
  • Preview for The Things They Carried -on Google Classroom
  • What do you carry? form -on Google Classroom
  • Research Overview:
    • Create Questions, at least 8 (we did this on Monday)
    • Find 5 potential resources by using your questions as starting points (also should have done this Monday)
    • Read and take notes on 1-2 of your first five sources, getting an overall idea. (This is due on Wednesday at the latest)  Then continue finding potential resources (aim for 20+)
    • Once you have a long list (20+), continue reading your sources, thinking of the big social issue that your theme represents.
      • Ex. THEME: People with mental illnesses being misunderstood leading to hardships. Issue: Lack of access to mental health care and impact and stigma
    • Take notes while reading as to how your sources give you information about your social issue/theme
    • Figure out what group of people most needs the information about this issue and theme, figure out how to best get information out to them
      • Ex. Family members? Teens who are facing issues? Politicians?
    • Put together a ‘presentation’ of information, bringing social awareness to the issue that you have focused on

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