Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Common Writing Mistakes in editing section
Define these words: (1,2) there, (3,4) their, (5,6) they’re, (7,8)your, (9,10) you’re, (11,12) except, accept
Odd numbers, definition; Even numbers, sentence. Sentences get written on one of the white boards
What are some possible themes of the story?
Big ideas that are echoed throughout, what a lot of the story connects to, start a list on Google Docs and share with me
Craft lesson section: Persuasive or Informative presentation
What are the goals?
What it looks like, sounds like
Get partner or work as an individual, begin planning

Time to catch up on missing work or read your book if you need a break from researching

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