- Bell Ringer: Collect papers at end of work time (20 minutes)
- All papers must have a works cited page (everyone will have the book Flight as an entry, plus whatever other sources you used) –see document shared with you in classroom for directions
- Use the rubric to check that you have everything!
- Paper clip rubric, paper, works cited page together and turn in to stool then read your independent book
- Write this if you didn’t; if you did, read your book:
- **In writer’s notebook: What books have you read (or been exposed to) that you feel should not be accessible to children or teens? Why or why not? What books have you read that you think ‘adults’ may have issues with? Why would they?
- Flight ch. 12 –take out quote tracing and transformation sheets, fill out while we read
- Independent Reading Time or CATCH UP ON MISSING WORK
Monday, September 30, 2019
Monday, Sept. 30 Agenda
Friday, September 27, 2019
Friday, Sept. 27 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: How have the past three situations in the book (the Indians after the Battle of Little Big Horn, the attack of the settlers, and the attack of the Indian camp) been similar?
- Create a bulleted list of all the ways they are alike with person/people next to you; Make a post on your blog:
- Similarity List first; Pick a big idea from violence/revenge/victim/etc, pick three pieces of evidence for it (with page #s) then explain what MESSAGE about the idea all of the pieces of evidence are showing.
- Post Title: Theme Chapters 9-11
- In the text:
- One piece of evidence from ch 9
- One piece of evidence from ch 10
- One piece of evidence from ch 11
- Explanation how the evidence shows the message
- Writer’s Workshop time for compare and contrast essay
- Works Cited Page
- Final draft due MONDAY!!
- If you are done with your paper, you should read your independent book
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Thursday, Sept. 26 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: *In writer’s notebook: What books have you read (or been exposed to) that you feel should not be accessible to children or teens? Why or why not? What books have you read that you think ‘adults’ may have issues with? Why would they?
- Flight Ch. 10-11
- Writer’s Workshop
- At this point you should be working on your second draft of all paragraphs
- You should have a similarity and a difference for each of your three topics. This means you should have at least six pieces of evidence from your research and at a minimum three pieces from Flight.
- If you want me to read through, talk to me and let me know if I should read for craft or editing
- If I’ve read through for one, you can ask me to read through for the other
- If you want me to read through, come tell me if you want me to read for craft or editing –I will only read through sections that you’ve worked on (since you’ve HOPEFULLY submitted a full body para draft to Turnitin)
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Wednesday, Sept. 25 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Independent Reading Time
- Flight Chapter 8 and 9 –add “coming of age”, revenge, trauma of past, etc…. to back page
- Writer’s Workshop:
- Intro/Conclusion Notes –shared with you in classroom
- Write Intro and Conclusion –on the same document with your body paragraphs, in the right order of paragraphs
- Upload color-coded COMPLETE BODY into Turnitin (you can also have your intro and conclusion on it if you want feedback
- At this point you should be working on your second draft of all paragraphs and writing your intro and conclusion
- You should have a similarity and a difference for each of your three topics. This means you should have at least six pieces of evidence from your research and at a minimum three pieces from Flight.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Tuesday, Sept. 24 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: ACT Prep -English: page 2 (Questions 4-7); when done, read your book
- Quill Independent Work time
- Writer’s Workshop
- Color Coding your draft:
- See Color Key on Example Document, need YOUR paragraphs color coded by 8:55
- Check Highlighted Body Paragraphs (make sure they are on the Google Classroom assignment
- Intro/Conclusion Notes –shared with you in classroom
- Write Intro and Conclusion –on the same document with your body paragraphs, in the right order of paragraphs
- Body paragraphs second draft
- Body paragraphs second draft
- Make sure you have all colors represented in the total draft
- As in you must have THREE topics and for each topic you must have at least one QUOTE FROM FLIGHT, one SIMILARITY, and one DIFFERENCE
- Each paragraph must have a topic sentence, an intro to a piece of evidence, a quote/piece of evidence and analysis about what that evidence shows about the topic sentence.
- Some will then repeat that sequence in the same paragraph, with a transition rather than a topic sentence. Others will write a new paragraph following the same sequence.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Monday, Sept. 23 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop 30 minutes EXACTLY
- Work on your body paragraphs: if you have comments from Ms. B, work on what she wrote, if you aren’t finished, GET GOING!!!
- Turnitin.com: Class ID: 22462719 Enrollment Key: F2019contemp
- All paragraphs must have a topic sentence that is proven with the evidence cited
- I’ll be reading through paragraphs during work time (if you finish and upload -Everyone must have a completed draft uploaded to turnitin by end of work time tomorrow)
- Coming of Age Reading and Questions
- Independent Reading
- Read own book (you need to finish at least one book by the end of the term (can vary based on length of book), but more than one equals EXTRA CREDIT with book completion sheet)
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Thursday, Sept. 19 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
- Flight ch-7: while reading, start looking for additional themes to trace
- Finish all of first row of transformation sheet
- Start filling out second row for his newest transformation
- Writer’s Workshop
- Note Taking
- All Notes done by: end of work time today
- If you finish your notes, take a look at the Body Paragraph materials in Classroom and then begin your first draft!
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Wednesday, Sept. 18 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop Time
- Researching: Start research (need evidence from both Flight and the other text/online research (even for yourself, see comment on document)
- Finding support for your topic (research)
- Small Group Discussion: practice round 2
- Discuss Discussing
- How did this round go?
- Other things to work on?
- Flight
- Chapter 6:
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Tuesday, Sept. 17 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: 10 min reading
- Flight
- Chapter 5
- TQE: Thought, Question, Epiphany:
- Things that you should have as you plan your thought, question, and epiphany
- Best Evidence of a theme and evidence from ch 4-5
- How are we (the readers) like Zits at this point in the book (how are we in a similar situation while reading)?
- How are Zits and Hank similar? Different? How are Zits and Junior similar? Different?
Monday, September 16, 2019
Monday, Sept. 16 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Independent Reading
- Discussion Starters
- Wounded Knee article discussion
- Flight ch. 4
- Fill out Transformation sheet for first transformation
- Writer’s Workshop
- Finish Graphic Organizer (at least 5 categories)
- Organize/highlight ideas in Zits side (what you want to compare/contrast)
- NOTES DOCUMENT: on google classroom
- Begin research (start with quote tracing for Zits’ char., then go to online research for your topic)
Friday, September 13, 2019
Friday, Sept. 13 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Wounded Knee Article -while reading, annotate. Think of these questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Connection to Zits?
- Independent Reading Time (when you finish annotating the article)
- New Partner/seat
- Writer’s Workshop
- Compare and Contrast Essay
- You are comparing and contrasting Zits’ character with any of the following: another teen in a novel, a teen in ‘real life’ (general), yourself
- Step One: Choose a topic (what are you comparing him to?)
- Step Two: Graphic Organizer
- Categories on the notes sheet -need 5
- Fill out general ideas and then page numbers and evid.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Thursday, Sept. 12 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: ACT English Prep
- Compound Sentences: using and, but, or, so to combine complete sentences
- Independent Reading -10 minutes
- Flight Chapter 3
- In your Flight Section: What do you think is the most important aspect (part) of Zits’ character? What defines him the most? Do you feel he is an accurate depiction of a teen? Why? (That why applies to all questions…support your opinions with details!) –read independent book/ when done
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Wednesday, Sept. 11 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Quill Diagnostic: read your independent book when you finish (link on edublogs blog)
- ACT Reading Test Prep/Flight historical context
- Step One: Assimilation non-fiction reading: Questions to ask yourself while reading: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Connection to Zits? There is also an ACT Reading test style quiz (found in classroom) that goes along. Answer those questions while reading as well.
- Flight
- Take out your quote tracing packet and your Flight book -discussion of Zits and Identity (also finish ch 1)
- Chapter 2
- Quote Tracing: Themes, Impact/Offensive, Zits’ Character (identity), Historical (connections for your topic) –”postits??
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Tuesday, Sept. 10 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
- Flight
- 10 minutes to finish your response on your blog or read your independent book
- Intro to book, how the unit will work
- Questions: What is said in the video that is similar to what you or your classmates thought you knew about American Indians (from our earlier discussion/posts)? What is in the video that is different from what you or your peers thought you knew?
- Reading own book (10 minutes)
- Flight
- Chapter 1
- First Big Ideas to Explicitly Trace: Loneliness and Identity
- Quote Tracing: keep track of textual evidence that stands out to you about themes, historical events, Zits’ experience, how people can connect with it or details that show it is a book ‘with an impact,’ or evidence that would make people dislike the book/find it offensive (You can use the sheets I give you, post-its, or your own sheet of paper)
- What are some lines from the first pages that would make it a book that ‘has an impact’? What are lines that would cause people to question its use in a classroom? What are lines that show us Zits’ character? What are lines that connect to the bio article?
Monday, September 9, 2019
Monday, Sept. 9 Agenda
- Bell Ringer: Answer at least one of these questions in your writer’s notebook. Use proper grammar and conventions and have a paragraph or more per bullet point. If you finish one and there is still time, answer the other one! Be prepared to give an answer to both in discussion.
- Is it inevitable (unavoidable) that we conform to the world and society around us? In other words, do we have to change ourselves to fit into the world around us (communities, groups, school, etc.)? Why/how?
- What happens when a person does not accept and/or does not play by the rules of the main culture or what everyone else feels is appropriate or what people should be like?
- Discuss Bell Ringer
- Writing Craft Lesson- notes in that section of binder: Paragraph structure
- First Novel: Flight by Sherman Alexie
- Intro to Alexie –finish the last three paragraphs independently, close reading
- When you finish, read your independent book
- Response writing in 25 min.
- Response writing on your blog: While responding: answer any of the questions above: Any response to what we have talked about and read in the article!
- While responding: what are you thinking about the book we will be reading? Pick at least one specific quote from the article and respond to it. Use a TIQA-style response format as you talk about questions, opinions, reactions, etc. to the quote you picked.
- Mrs. J/Ms. B example
- Needs to be a well organized paragraph (think of the notes from earlier)
- At least one paragraph, maybe more...due after 10 minutes Tuesday
- When done, read your book
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