Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, Sept. 30 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Museum WN entry
In Writer’s Notebook, respond to the following question with at least a paragraph:
As he remembers his visits to the Museum of Natural History, Holden indicates that he wants life to be like the canoe scene he loves: frozen, unchanging, simple, and easily comprehensible. Do you think Holden is afraid of change? Is he afraid to grow up? Why? Is this something people today worry about? Is it something you’ve ever thought? (Not specifically the canoe part, but the frozen, unchanging part)
When you finish, leave your entry out for me to check and read your book while we wait for all to be done.
Read 17
Study guide, quote tracing
**In writer’s notebook: What books have you read (or been exposed to) that you feel should not be accessible to children or teens? Why or why not?  What books have you read that you think ‘adults’ may have issues with? Why would they?
Discuss the following question with your partner, then in WN, write about the controversy of Catcher in the Rye –is it ‘bad’, should it be challenged or banned? Why do you think people have had problems with it in the past and still do today?

Bring this paragraph up when you are finished, then read your book

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday, Sept. 29 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Poem Presentation (Found Poems)
Finish 10-14
Organize slips: pass out your slips to the authors
Share with class: what were the mood and theme you were aiming for, did most people end up identifying those
Read 16
Comment on another comment
Go to my blog, read all of the comments. Find one you agree with and one you disagree with and then comment on each of them why you agree/disagree
Once you have posted at least two comments (one on two different comments), read your book while we wait for all to catch up.

Reading time for OWN BOOK –need to finish in about a month!!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, Sept. 28 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Read 15
S.G. questions, quote tracing
Response as comment online

Poem Presentation (Found Poems)
     What is the theme/topic?
     What is the mood?

Catcher in the Rye and Today's Teens

Last week we read both adults' and teens' opinions on Catcher being relevant (the packet).

Now construct a comment to this question that is modeled off of what you read and is based on your opinions about the articles and the book (what you were supposed to have written by today;)).

Read through the paragraph you wrote, checking that it fits these two requirements:
  • Is Catcher in the Rye a book that connects with teens today, is it something that should be read by teens today?  Support your answer/thoughts with details from your reading that illustrates your opinion.
  • You need at least one quote from the packet and one from the book.
If you need to add to your paragraph or modify it, please do.  Remember, when quoting other people's words, use their last names in parenthesis after the quote as a citation.

Ex. "The trouble with me is, I stop" (Salinger 92).

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday, Sept. 25 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Prep (slide 7)
Take out your packet on Catcher from yesterday (relevant or not)
Underline things you agree with in one color, things you disagree with in another
Point of View of each section (yes or no on relevant)
Bring the packet to me to check when you are done
Relevancy Discussion
Think about the thoughts you were brainstorming yesterday when you discussed with a partner and the close read of the packet
Where do your thoughts fit with the reading?
Can what you read help you make your point more clearly?
Construct your own response to one of the sections of the packet, or the packet overall, commenting on whether or not you feel Catcher in the Rye is a book that connects with teens today/is something that should be read by teens –In WN or on Google Drive, due on Monday!

Read own book (you need at least one book completion sheet done by beginning of November, but more than one equals EXTRA CREDIT)

Found Poem shared with me by the start of class on Monday!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday, Sept. 24 Agenda

Bell Ringer: WN Entry: Phonies
Read own book
Read 14
Quote Tracing
Poem Work Time
Type up poem and send to me on Google Docs by class time Monday
Brainstorm: Is Catcher in the Rye relevant? Discuss your thoughts on this with your neighbor
closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand.
Read the packet on Catcher’s Relevance (need one of the first three sections read and highlighted by tomorrow)
Underline things you agree with in one color, things you disagree with in another

Point of View of each section (yes or no on relevant)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, Sept. 23 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Reading own book (if your paper is done), if you have one last thing to do on the paper, use this 20-25 minutes to finish as much as you can.
Paper with Rubric paper clipped to it due at lunch time!!!
Discuss Chapter 11 Quiz
Read 12-13
study guide questions
Quote tracing
Craft Lesson
Found Poem—due Monday

Type up poem and send to me on Google Docs by class time Monday

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, Sept. 22 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Read 11, start together, finish on own.
Answer study guide questions
Add to quote tracing (if you found any or haven’t in awhile)
Open the Link to Quiz document that is shared with you (email or a link on my blog’s most recent post)
When you finish the quiz, read your choice book until all are finished (unless you aren’t done with the paper, in that case, work on that)

Final Writer’s Workshop time for compare and contrast essay
         Works Cited Page

Chapter 11 Quiz

Click on this to go to the quiz.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, Sept. 18 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Collect AoW Reflection
Choice book reading time
Writer’s Workshop time: final draft, as perfect as you can make it (grammar/spelling/punctuation/sentence structure) due by Wednesday
On Wednesday I want a color coded copy (just body paragraphs color coded) shared with me on Google and a plain, non-colored printed out copy.  Please 1.5 or double space the printed off document so I have room to comment when I grade.

Handout of what a paper should look like (format for MLA)

IF YOUR BODY PARAGRAPHS AREN'T DONE, YOU NEED TO FINISH THEM BY TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will have one more day of in class workshop time to write, but you want to be working on fixing a rough draft then, so make sure you are coming to class with a rough draft.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, Sept. 17 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Turn on computer, go to the Intro and Conclusion Document that I shared with you
Intro and Conclusion Notes
Work on Introduction and Conclusion for paper: If all of your body paragraphs are done…
Read Chapter 10
Questions, quote tracing
Writer’s Workshop time
Must meet with me today if you didn’t yesterday
If you want to meet again, please do
Color Coding your draft:
Yellow=information from Catcher
Green= information from web showing today
Orange= information from web showing past
Pink= credit to where information comes from
Blue= your analysis, opinions, ideas

AoW Discussion -reflection (3 paragraphs) due tomorrow!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, Sept. 16 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Holden’s loneliness
Writer’s Workshop Time
Conference time: List on the board, make sure you have at least one of your body paragraphs done when you talk to me
Any fact from the internet or the book needs either a mention of where it is from IN THE SENTENCE or an in-text citation at the END OF THE SENTENCE
Work on Paper or Read your book: Full rough draft of body paragraphs due by end of hour, color coded
Color Coding your draft:
Yellow=information from Catcher
Green= information from web showing today
Orange= information from web showing past
Pink= credit to where information comes from
Blue= your analysis, opinions, ideas

When I call you back, bring your two paragraphs from the bell ringer as well as your computer with what you have completed for body paragraphs, and your close read of the AoW

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday, Sept. 15 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
Catcher: Finish 8 and start reading 9
Writer’s Workshop
Comparison Essay format reminders
If I am worried that you are missing portions of your notes, I have commented on them, make sure to finish the notes if they are not done yet.
You should have at least one paragraph done by now, but if you don’t, make sure you have one done by tomorrow

Make sure your body paragraphs are shared with me!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, Sept. 14 Agenda

Bell Ringer: AoW 2: Remember, close read needs to be COMMENTS/WORDS WRITTEN IN MARGIN more than just highlighting –due Wednesday
Body Paragraph Format
Put this handout in your craft lesson section
Writer’s Workshop
You need your notes done by: 12:50
If you finish your notes before that, you need to start your body paragraphs. Use the sheet I gave you at the beginning of the hour to plan.
Body Paragraph Example (TIQA handout if you don’t have from last year), shared with you in google drive
Rough draft of JUST BODY PARAGRAPHS due 30-45 minutes into work time tomorrow
Read Chapter 8 to pg. 58

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, Sept. 11 Agenda

Bell Ringer: 15-20 minutes reading own book
Writer’s Workshop
Examples from the book
Finish research notes (have enough done so that you can be done with notes after 20 minutes of work time on Monday)
Comparison essay organization
Research completed by middle of the block Monday at the ABSOLUTE LATEST (beginning of the block would be better)
Rough draft of body due Tuesday, end of work time (+/-45 min)
Read ch 7, study guide questions

Article of the Week Reflection due

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, Sept. 10 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Catcher in the Rye: Take out study guide, quote tracing, and teens in the 40’s sheet
What are teens like in Holden’s time (late ‘40s)? Continue to brainstorm on list (how they talk, dress, entertainment, income (family), jobs, school, etc):
Chapter 5
Ch. 6
Ch 6 study guide questions
Comparison Essay Assignment
On the left side of graphic organizer, read through the information about teens in Holden’s time (that you found in the book), then think of things from today that match the category/idea from the left side.
Color code: one color similar, other color different
Next step, pick three or four topics/categories to focus on with your research
Writer’s Workshop time
How to write a response to the AoW (expectations)
Your thoughts, not a summary
Three paragraphs (substantial size)
Answer the question on the bottom of article or go on an idea that you can connect to a specific passage

Work on researching, need specific sources from internet (most likely) to support your opinions of teens in the late 40s AND today (even if you are basing it off of your own experience as well)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, Sept. 9 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Answer both of these questions in your writer’s notebook.  Use proper grammar and conventions. You need a paragraph or more per bullet point.
Do you like or not like Holden so far? Why or why not? Use examples from the book to explain.
Why doesn’t Holden like school? Why is he failing? Is he dumb? What makes you say that?
When you have your two paragraphs, bring them up to me to be checked, also bring your closely read AoW. Then read your own book.
Reading own book: need one book read by end of the quarter
ACT Prep (slide 4)
Writing Craft lesson
Read your partner’s story
ID why unreliable by underlining on partner’s sheet
Catcher ch. 3 quiz: when you finish quiz, read own book or AoW
Close Read check and AoW Discussion
WN Entry
Catcher in the Rye
Questions from 2 and 3
              Read Ch

Chapter 3 Reading/Attention Check

Link to form: Chapter 3 Reading/Attention Check

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, Sept. 8 Agenda

•Bell Ringer:Answer at least one of these questions in your writer’s notebook.  Use proper grammar and conventions and have a paragraph or more per bullet point.  If you finish one and there is still time, answer the other one!  Be prepared to give an answer to both in discussion.
Is it inevitable (unavoidable) that we conform to the world and society around us? In other words, do we have to change ourselves to fit into the world around us (communities, groups, school, etc.)? Why/how?
What happens when a person does not accept and/or does not play by the rules of the main culture or what everyone else feels is appropriate or what people should be like?
Discuss Bell Ringer
What are teens like in Holden’s time (late ‘40s early ‘50s)? Look at examples you have so far on quote tracing and then add general ideas from the book on sheet handed out (put in reader’s notebook section).
Continue reading as a class (pg 16)
Writing Craft Lesson– in writer’s notebook section
Put date in margin and heading “Unreliable Narrator Story” at top
Write the beginning of a first person narrated story (fiction or non). 
Brainstorm ideas before you begin
Unreliable narrator so make sure to use word choice to show that readers should not trust everything your narrator says (pg. 5 ex. from Holden)
Exaggeration, slight but obvious changes, things that seem a bit off, etc.
Use strong words to describe what is happening
Should have a half of a page to a page by tomorrow
Article of the Week- Reflection in reader’s notebook/class notes section
Begin reading today, discuss on Wed, due on Fri
More Catcher ch 3
Finish ch3 and ch3 study guide questions
Read your own book or work on AoW Close Read

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday, Sept. 4 Agenda

•Bell Ringer: Answer at least one of these questions in your writer’s notebook. Use proper grammar and conventions and write a paragraph or more per bullet point. Give many different examples in your answer.  If you finish one and there is still time, answer the other one!
What does it mean to be true to yourself?
What does it mean to be a good person?

Discuss Bell Ringer
Catcher in the Rye
Discussion of Salinger article
Intro to book, how the unit will work
Study Guide
Quote Tracing: keep track of textual evidence that show teen life, textual evidence that demonstrates how people can connect with it or that shows it is a book ‘with an impact,’ or evidence that would make people dislike the book/find it offensive  (WRITE THIS IN YOUR READER’S NOTEBOOK SECTION)
Point of View
Reliable vs. Unreliable narrator
Study Guide Questions
What are some lines from the first pages that would make it a book that ‘has an impact’? What are lines that would cause people to want to ban it?
“Game…” pg 8: What does he mean? What in it is true? Do you agree? Why?
“People never notice…” pg 9: Why does this make Holden a person people connect to?
Read from pg 9 “People never notice…” to the end of chapter 2 (pg 16). Make sure to have that and the questions for ch 2 done by Tuesday

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday, Sept. 3

Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
Collect 3 Paragraphs
Binder Division
Reading Time (make sure you like the book you have chosen, bring library books to Ms. Stewart to check out)
Paragraph Organizing Pre-Test- hand in review when complete
Writing Craft Lesson- notes in that section of writer’s notebook
Paragraph structure
“Fix” pre-test
Discussion: What does it mean to be a teenager (literal and deeper meaning)?  How does loneliness feel and what can it make a person do or think? How is loneliness tied to the teenage ideas?
Catcher in the Rye
Intro to Salinger (article and response –due tomorrow)
Response: Basic thoughts plus how do you predict his life experiences will influence Catcher in the Rye?
One paragraph the basic response (thoughts about the article)
One paragraph the predictions of what life experiences will influence the book and how.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday, Sept. 2 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Seats: Pick one for now, I will most likely be moving people…
What you need EVERY DAY-
Writer’s Notebook- in your BINDER
Writing utensil

Expectations and Procedures
In Writer’s Notebook section: Why do we write?  What are all of the reasons you can think of concerning why people write? Purposes? Goals? Etc.  We will share in 5-10 min
Basic Grammar: What do we need to do while writing IN ALL CLASSES??
Write in Editing Section (or paper that can be put into section)
Create List: Order it (#1 = Most Important, etc)
Library for Book of Choice- NEED by Friday, have one for today (at least 1 book completed per quarter)

Writing Sample: Write in your writer’s notebook, or on a sheet that can be put in that section when you have a binder. Sample due tomorrow!
Own Writing: Prompt- At least three separate paragraphs, follow the guidelines you created/brainstormed today (start with answers specific to English, then expand in each paragraph to other worries and confidences)
ØThis semester I feel the most confident about…
ØThis semester I am worried the most about…
ØThis semester I want to…