Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, Sept. 30 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Museum WN entry
In Writer’s Notebook, respond to the following question with at least a paragraph:
As he remembers his visits to the Museum of Natural History, Holden indicates that he wants life to be like the canoe scene he loves: frozen, unchanging, simple, and easily comprehensible. Do you think Holden is afraid of change? Is he afraid to grow up? Why? Is this something people today worry about? Is it something you’ve ever thought? (Not specifically the canoe part, but the frozen, unchanging part)
When you finish, leave your entry out for me to check and read your book while we wait for all to be done.
Read 17
Study guide, quote tracing
**In writer’s notebook: What books have you read (or been exposed to) that you feel should not be accessible to children or teens? Why or why not?  What books have you read that you think ‘adults’ may have issues with? Why would they?
Discuss the following question with your partner, then in WN, write about the controversy of Catcher in the Rye –is it ‘bad’, should it be challenged or banned? Why do you think people have had problems with it in the past and still do today?

Bring this paragraph up when you are finished, then read your book

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