Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday, Oct. 30 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Read Section 4
In WN: Start to brainstorm how any ideas from the book are still seen today.  What issues are faced today that are mentioned, dealt with, experienced, etc in the book?
Finish 4
Characters vs. Society: for the four characters we read about in section 4, how do we see them in conflict with society? What part of society, how is it seen, specifically in what we just read. (Talk with a partner)
In this chapter, we learn more about Lennie, Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife. What similarities do these four characters share? Bring up when done.
Theme examples: During work time after we read together today, you need to bring your theme sheet up.  You should have at least one example for each theme from pages 38-65 and one from 66-83 for all as well.
In this chapter, we see how some people can be cruel to other people. Find two or three examples--why do the characters need to be so cruel in these examples? Or, are they just ignorantly prejudiced and not really being consciously cruel?  Bring up when done.
Section 4 Perspective Journal: can be Lennie, Crooks, or Candy –NOT George

Reading time (own book, completion sheet due today but must have by Tuesday) or perspective journal for section 4 (Lennie, Crooks, Candy)

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 29 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Section 3 quiz: On my blog
2 extra credit questions (if you get them right on the first try), some questions count, some don’t
Copy and past the WHOLE quiz with your answers into a doc and share with me
Perspective Journal from 53-65 (second half of 3): all perspective journals will be due on Wednesday
Read your book (writing on the book due FRIDAY; end of quarter Tuesday)
Some of the movie
Begin Reading Section 4 (66-70)
One ex on Theme sheet for Discrimination and/or Loneliness from section 4 so far

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday, Oct. 28 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Finding Examples of Similes, Metaphors, Personification
List of Conflicts –another sheet of paper from your binder (class notes or wn sections)
Internal:  --character vs. self
External:--character vs. character                             --character vs. society        --character vs. unknown
**After you write each type of conflict, add some examples of that conflict, and for all except character vs. character, explain a little of the why/how.
Finish section 3 53-60
Sheets on the book (Take some time to add to chronolog and character details, make sure you are adding to themes as we read/discuss)
Theme examples
Loneliness  --American Dream  --Friendship

--Difference between Right and Wrong/Innocence  

Quiz tomorrow on section 3 and all we covered today!

OMM Section 3 Quiz

Some of the questions count more than other questions.  If we haven't talked about an idea, it doesn't count as much as the things we have talked about.

Go to this link, click to show all of them and then take the quiz.  The quiz is open notes (anything we've been writing while reading), not open book.  When you are done, copy the WHOLE QUIZ (Questions and Answers) and paste it into a document that you share with me.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday, Oct. 27 Agenda

Bell Ringer: 30 minutes Independent Reading Time: Use it to read, or fill out your sheet (even if you already filled one out)
Read ch 3 41-53
Theme examples
Loneliness  --American Dream  --Friendship
--Difference between Right and Wrong
First discuss this with partner, then write in writer’s notebook: Compare the relationship between Candy and his dog with the relationship between George and Lennie. What parallels (similarities) can you find?
Similes, Metaphors, Personification, Symbolism

Perspective Journal on the first part of section 3 (38-53): I will be checking for a complete entry when you walk in to class tomorrow (finish it for HW if you don’t finish in class)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday, Oct. 26 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Take out your sheets from Of Mice and Men (if you aren’t in your seat, with the sheets out when the bell rings, you WILL be tardy)
Read rest of 2 (29-37)
Chronolog, Character details, theme examples
Specific themes to talk about (make sure you have some details from today’s reading (or earlier) in these categories): Importance of Relationships, American Dream, Innocence, Loneliness
Journal from the perspective of Lennie or George: already wrote one on the first 16 pages, now write another about thoughts, feelings and reactions of either character to section 2 (17-37).  Be that character (use the word I)
Share most important detail from perspective journal, section 2
Independent Reading: book and sheet finished in ONE WEEK! Time to read while we wait for all to finish the perspective journal.  If you finished your book and your book completion sheet, find a new book for second quarter!

Read section 3: starting on page 38 stop on page 41

Section 2 Perspective Journal

Share your best sentence from the perspective journal you just wrote on pages 17-37.  In your comment, start with which character you are writing as, and then type your sentence that you feel best shows their thoughts and feelings as well as their character.  If you included any profanity, star it out (***) when you type it in the comment (remember, we always have to think about our audience and purpose in writing...).

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 22 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Presentation Reflection: on a sheet of paper in your Writer’s Notebook section
What did you like about it?
What did you not like?
What would you do differently if you were to do it again?
Pick either George or Lennie and in their voice, write a journal entry based on what has happened so far.  Make a new section within your Writer’s Notebook section (or you can type them) for these entries – each entry needs to be about ½ to ¾ of a page long.
Make sure you cover what happened in that section from their perspective
Their thoughts, feelings, reactions, etc. connected to events
Journal check
Share at least one of your ideas from Journal as Lennie or George for 1st 16 pages
Section 2 –who is Candy? Read to page 27

Chronolog, Characters, Themes

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday, Oct. 21 Agenda

Bell Ringer- Presentations –get your rubric out and ready
Devin and Ja’lon, Cody and Gavin, Billy and Austin, Mat and Bubba, Casey, Miranda and Alexis, Noah, Katie
Finish Section 1 (pg 4-16)
Relationship of George and Lennie

In your Writer’s Notebook, write a quick description of their relationship
Fill out chronolog when we pause in reading

To leave you need one piece of textual evidence on your theme sheet from what we read today!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday, Oct. 20 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Essay Discussion
Evaluating own essays
In writer’s notebook, write at least a paragraph on these questions: What does it mean to belong? How important is it for human beings to have a place where they belong, where there are people who know them and love them?
Read your book while we wait for all to finish
Am Dream Questions check while you write your WN entry –if you weren’t done when I first checked, bring them to me when you are
Rasmus, Matteo , Garrett, Will
Read Section 1 to page 4

Add to character descriptions, and any examples of themes

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday, Oct. 19 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Great Depression Background Knowledge
Find your migrant article from Thursday, and brainstorm on the back all details you have in your head about the Great Depression
Migrant Worker Article Questions/“L” page check
OMM Intro
Background Slides
Themes, characters, Chronolog
Theme Definitions
American Dream
American Dream Questions (paragraph answers 2-5) due at end of block

Read your book while we wait for all to be done.  OR work on your presentation/share it with me to be ready for tomorrow

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 15 Agenda

Bell Ringer-Discuss ratings (statement sheet from yesterday)
Migrant article
Questions due Monday (but finish them before moving on to working on presentation)

Presentation work time (presentations will begin on Monday)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday, Oct. 14 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Pull up your presentation and pick a number from the basket
Time to add clarification, visual displays of data, images, strength to your presentation.
Presentation work time (FINAL TIME IN CLASS unless you use your work time well…)
Look at the rubric and make sure you are on the path to the left
Presentations Thursday? Monday?
While viewing peer’s presentation, fill out the evaluation sheet
Independent Reading Time (if your presentation is done)
Anticipation Statements for Of Mice and Men
In the Statement section: Pick two statements, one that you agree with most and one that you disagree with most.  For each, give a quick explanation of your beliefs.
Time to work on missing work/read

Any Catcher work that you would like to be worth points is due TOMORROW

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday, Oct. 13 Agenda

Bell Ringer: What should people take away from Catcher in the Rye (lessons, ideas, thoughts, understandings, etc)?
Discuss with partner, and then post it to my blog as a comment on the most recent post
Presentation Work Time
Look at the rubric and make sure you are on the path to the left
Presentation needs to be done by Thursday

Independent Reading time: if you feel you are ready to present (I’m pretty much thinking no one will be done with the presentation today, but you never know)

Why Read Catcher in the Rye?

There are many reasons why I chose this book for us to read, but I want to know what you think.  Please answer the following question as a comment on this post.
  • What should people take away from the book Catcher in the Rye? (lessons, ideas, meanings, knowledge about life, etc)

Your answer should be around a paragraph in length.  Make sure that you give more than just one possible point to take away!!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday, Oct. 12 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Rubric
Presentation Work Time
Notes time
Aim to have all notes done by half way through tomorrow
Highlighted sections of rubric (subject knowledge, logical appeal, counter arguments)


Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday, Oct. 9 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Prep (slide 7)
Presentation Work Time
By the end of today you should have a large selection of potential sources and you should have a selection of quotes from the book you are considering.
I will be checking for at least 10 potential sources at 1:30
You should start notes on the potential sources once you have 10+ articles/videos.
Notes can be typed or by hand, but keep track of what info comes from what source and what info is a direct quote vs your words

Remember, you need visuals (pictures, videos, icons, graphs, etc)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 8 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Common Writing Mistakes in editing section
Define these words: (1)there, (2)their, (3)they’re, (4)your, (5)you’re, (6)except, (7)accept
Define and write a sentence using correctly (of the two numbers you received)
Final Presentation Introduction
Get partner or work as an individual, begin planning

Timed essay: Develop and support your opinion on the appropriateness/impact  of this book on high schoolers/teens/individuals reading Catcher in the Rye.  Analyze and Evaluate the three general perspectives your group discussed yesterday and then connect/compare/contrast your opinion to them as well. Time to catch up on missing work or read your book if you need a break from researching

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday, Oct. 7 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Themes List: Pick three of the themes from the list and explain how those themes can be seen.  For two of the three you need to use textual evidence
Explain in detail and if you would like to use textual evidence for all three themes, that would make your argument stronger.
Catcher in the Rye Perspectives/Timed Essay intro: Earlier (yesterday’s WN) you brainstormed what people could think about this book, now you will get in a small group and examine three different, general perspectives people could have about this book (the impact and to whom, and appropriateness of the information/details in it). Discuss what you think about each of the three perspectives.

Develop your opinion on the impact of this book (to whom, why, etc) and the appropriateness of the book, connected to the three perspectives talked about in your small group.  Brainstorm some reasons why you think that.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday, Oct. 6 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Writer’s Notebook: What are some possible perspectives that people could have on this book and that you have on this book? (What sort of people could be impacted by this book? What details/points in the book/details of Holden’s life could connect with people and why/how? Should it be read by teens? Are there serious issues with the content of the book? Etc.)
Discuss Mature/Immature posts
Finishing the book (ch 25-26)
Finish up questions: due at end of block, turn in on stool
Check grades and then work on missing work or read your book
What are some possible themes of the story? (aim for 8-10 or more)

Big ideas that are echoed throughout, what a lot of the story connects to, start a list on Google Docs and share with me. If you are going for a theme, it should be a big idea and a message about that idea.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, Oct. 5 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Talk about ch 22 Quiz
Read 23 and 24
One paragraph on immature/mature, an answer to the second
What does it mean to be mature and immature?  What does it mean to be grown up?
Discuss mature and immature man quote
Post you and your partner’s opinions on my blog

Finish 24 by tomorrow 

Mature and Immature Quote

The WN Prompts:
What does it mean to be mature and immature?  What does it mean to be grown up?
Mr. Antolini claims that "the mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one” (188).  What does this mean? 

From this definition of maturity, do you think Holden is mature or immature or both?  Explain your claim.
Discuss what you wrote with a partner (it can't be the person that you are sitting next to).
After discussing your paragraphs/answers with your partner, record as a comment to this post your best points.  Start by writing what you understand about what Mr. Antolini told Holden, then add at least three points that are important/interesting/insightful from the other things you discussed.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday, Oct. 2 Agenda: Homecoming!!

Bell Ringer: Finish chapter 21.
In Writer’s Notebook:  We can probably all agree that Holden and Phoebe have a real, personal connection with each other. What makes their relationship different from the relationships Holden has with others in the novel? Compare the relationship with her to his relationships with others.
Bring WN entry up to me
Read own book while you wait
If you didn't get this done in class, make sure it gets done and you bring it up to me on Monday!!
Read Chapter 22
When you finish 22, come up to me to get the ch22 quiz. ADDITIONAL QUIZ QUESTION- add to #3: What do you think that this job choice MEANS about Holden? What does this desire tell us about him?
The quiz is NOT open book or note
When you complete the quiz, turn it in on the stool and then read your own book/finish the WN entry if you didn’t earlier

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 1 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Catcher in the Rye: chapter 18-19
While reading, quote tracing. After reading, answer questions.
Discuss the most recent two entries in your Writer’s Notebook with a partner plus:
How many books that have been challenged in the past do you think you’ve read? What are the top reasons that books are challenged (in general)? What are the different reasons why this book (Catcher) could be controversial? What are issues in this book that are still issues to teens today? What in Holden’s life has made him the controversial person he is? Are those things filled with controversy?
Banned books discussion
Catcher in the Rye: chapter 20-21
After reading, answer questions and add to quote tracing

Make sure to have chapter 21 done by tomorrow!