Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday, Dec. 22 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Finish background notes
Read “TTTC” (1-20)

Writing based on page 20 quotes
Pick one of the three and interpret/explain it, connecting it to what we read in the book so far. 
“They were afraid of dying but they were even more afraid to show it” (O’Brien 20).
“They used a hard vocabulary to contain the terrible softness” (O’Brien 20).
“It wasn’t cruelty, just stage presence. They were actors” (O’Brien 20).

Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday, Dec. 21 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Get The Things They Carried
When bell rings, you should have a copy and the book number with your name should be written on the list, and you should be back in your seat
Notes Check: as of 2nd block, I only had notes from 3 of you…others need to share.
What do you carry? –Google Form shared with you
Library Talk (after lunch)
Small Groups:
Discuss your insights from Friday (your thoughts on the WN bell ringer)
Discuss the notes on the videos
What is this book going to be about? How did you come to that opinion?
What do you know about Vietnam and the Vietnam war? Bullet points or sentences in your Writer’s Notebook section
Vietnam Background –notes

Take out a sheet of paper.  Make two columns, one for LITERAL the other for FIGURATIVE, as we read, fill this out 

What You Carry Link

Go to this link: What You Carry

When you are done, make sure your preview notes are done and SHARED WITH ME!!!!  If your notes are done, please read your independent book while we wait 10 minutes for people to have one last chance on the notes.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday, Dec. 18 Agenda

Bell Ringer: How to revise essay test
Things to work on while interviews are going on:
Revision of essay test: due by the end of interview time
Article close reads (both articles, things to talk about in a small group discussion to close up the book)
The Things They Carried preview notes

Reading your independent book (the first one for the assignment, or additional books for Extra Credit) 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Thursday, Dec. 16 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Order of presentations:
Essay test
Throughout the novel Night, Elie explains his relationship with his faith.  Using examples from the book, explain how Elie’s faith changes due to his experiences during this time.
How does the book Night help us to better understand the importance of relationships? What are the different types of relationships seen in the book and how do they affect people?
What is the overall feeling or tone of the book Night and how is that feeling created?

Final work time on Research Interview Project

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday, Dec. 15 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Outline ‘conversation’
Make sure outline is complete (WITH TEXTUAL EVIDENCE)
Do the intro and conclusion section of the outline
You need an outline on its own sheet of paper that follows the format exactly (not on the notes sheet, labelled correctly, etc.)
Make sure you show me before you move on to working on your research interview project
Essay test Wednesday
Throughout the novel Night, Elie explains his relationship with his faith.  Using examples from the book, explain how Elie’s faith (or others’) changes due to his experiences during this time.
How does the book Night help us to better understand the importance of relationships? What are the different types of relationships (or pick one) seen in the book and how do they affect people?
What is the overall feeling or tone of the book Night and how is that feeling created?
When you are done with fixing your outline, work on your presentation or read your independent book

JOURNAL COLLECTION: You should have 11 entries, they need to be in order (Put them in the first folder in the middle crate on the table)

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday, Dec. 14 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Read 107-end
Final Journal Entry (All journals will be collected on Tuesday)
Preparation for Night Assessment: Essay question options for the essay Wednesday!
Pick one of the three
Throughout the novel Night, Elie explains his relationship with his faith.  Using examples from the book, explain how Elie’s faith changes due to his experiences during this time.
How does the book Night help us to better understand the importance of relationships? What are the different types of relationships seen in the book and how do they affect people?
What is the overall feeling or tone of the book Night and how is that feeling created?
Start brainstorming a thesis and where you can find textual evidence to support the thesis
Outline creation: Essay test Wednesday
Work time on Research Presentation
Work on your presentation or read your book with any time left (if you aren’t done with the presentation, use the time BUT GET THE BODY of the OUTLINE DONE FIRST)

Essay test Wednesday

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday, Dec. 11 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Writer’s notebook: Why does Elie make this connection (what you talked about on page 100 yesterday)? What are the similarities between the two events? Why would he ask her to stop and then be somewhat offended by her response about charity?
When your WN entry is done, bring it to me and then work on your research or reading your independent book
Read 101-107
What would you do if you were in Elie’s position from arriving at Buchenwald to grudgingly giving his dad his soup? HONEST!
What does Elie mean when he says like Rabbi Eliahu’s son (90-91), he didn’t pass the test?
Bring answers for both of these to me when done
Assessment (test) on the big ideas of the book on Wednesday!!
Journal Entry (92-107)
All journals will be turned in Tuesday
Journals so far:

3-11, 12-23, 23-34, 34-46, 47-54, 54-65, 66-73, 73-82, 82-90, 92-107

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday, Dec. 10 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Finish 87-91
Journal on that section (82-91)
What was your textual evidence from your 82-91 journal? Write on the white board.
Things to do: Read 82-91 if needed, write the journal for 82-91, organize the journals/write others if needed, work on research, read your own book
Journal sections: 3-11, 12-23, 23-34, 34-46, 47-54, 54-65, 66-73, 73-82, 82-91
Work time on Research Project
Read 92-100
No Journal yet (we will combine this reading with what comes next)

Look at page 100 in Night. Re-read about the bread into the train car and the lady throwing coins.  Discuss this with the person next to you: why did Elie put these events together? What connections was he making with the woman on vacation and what is happening in the train in the story?

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday, Dec. 9 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Finish reading  76-82
One paragraph, with textual evidence: Two themes of Night: Faith and specifically loss of faith; Importance of family/relationships.  How has one of these two big ideas/themes been shown in what we most recently read (73-82)? (TIQA paragraphs with textual evidence and analysis of textual evidence. You need to analyze what your textual evidence shows about the theme in your paragraph): Turn in to stool when done
Journal on 73-82
Continue working on Research (when done with paragraph and journal)

Reading more (82-87)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday, Dec. 8 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In writer’s notebook: What is the purpose of reading multiple accounts (different people telling their stories of similar events)?
I will be walking around checking the article (similarities and differences highlighted)
Make sure you also have interpretation of last paragraph done:
At the end, explain in your own words what the last paragraph of the selection means, focusing especially on what the two meanings of ‘extermination camp’ are.
Discuss WN Entry, Similarities and Differences of Elie and Primo, then interpretation of paragraph (first with partner, then with whole group)
Venn Diagram on computer
Continue working on Research (when done with posting)
Remember, minimal words on the screen (caption, quick reminder of connection/impact)
Reading: start on page 73-76

Similarities and Differences between Elie and Primo

You and your partner need to make a venn diagram of the experiences of the two Holocaust survivors that we are reading.  You should have at least five similarities and five differences.  You then have a few choices: you can create the diagram on google drive and share it with me, take a picture of it (with your phone) and email it to me, somehow get me a visual of your diagram in a different way.  You then need to discuss why we read multiple accounts and what he meant by extermination camp, and post your answers to that as comments to this post.

Worked in Buna factory.
Got separated.
Went to Auschwitz.
Both ran naked.
Both survived war.

Went to College
Got left behind when Russians came in.
Escaped the camp.


Was in Concentration longer.
Family went to the camp.
Gave up in faith with god.

  • 1944
  • Auschwitz
  • Run naked aft changing cloths
  • Both had coffee every morning
  • Both ate soup 
  • Child
  • Sighet
  • Jewish holy book / very religious
  • With his father
  • Factory work
  • Italy
  • He had a degree  
  • He was a rebel
  • Speaks in Italian
  • Only in the camp for a month


Raised in Transylvania. Raised In Italy
Became a Writer. Became a Chemist.
Was a child in Auschwitz. Both worked in a rubber factory.
Both sent to Buna.
Both survived Auschwitz.
Both were imprisoned by Nazi’s.
Both wrote stories of the Holocaust.
Was a man in Auschwitz.     Was a Jewish boy. Was a Anti-Fascist Soldier.
Still Alive. 6 feet underground.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday, Dec. 7 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Answers to questions from Friday up to me.  Then…
In a document on Google Drive, explain the book that you have chosen to read for this quarter.  If you haven’t started reading it (boo), explain why you are going to read it.  If you have started reading it (yay), explain what you like, what you don’t.
Share this entry with me when you are done
20 minutes of reading your choice book –at end of 20, I may ask you for thoughts on what was read
Work on Research (deeper understanding and impact of Holocaust and events related)
Discuss: How do we see the idea of Elie’s faith or loss of faith in the section you read? Be specific explaining what he’s feeling now.
Share your textual evidence if you have some (on sheet, or marked in book)
Make sure to take notes (or check the notes you have), you will want it for tomorrow
Primo Levi article (Due tomorrow)
Highlight in two colors.  One color is similarities to Elie, the other is differences.
At the end, explain in your own words what the last paragraph of the selection means, focusing especially on what the two meanings of ‘extermination camp’ are.

Research again when you are done with the article (reading, highlighting, explaining the last paragraph)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday, Dec. 4 Agenda

Bell Ringer: In your writing section: Five words/phrases that describe Night so far.  Have the reasons for each in your head, ready to share.
Small Group on 4 “Answers”
Reading Night
Questions on the beginning of chapter 5 (66-72)
How do we see the idea of Elie’s faith or loss of faith in the section you read? Be specific explaining what he’s feeling now.
Rosh Hashanah = Jewish New Year = September.  What was the New Year’s ‘gift’ given to the prisoners? Explain what it is.
How did Elie go through?
Bring your answers to these questions up to me Monday as bell ringer
Shorter journal entry on 66-73
You should have journals on: 3-11, 11-23, 23-34, 34-46, 47-54, 54-65, 66-73
Presentations: Will, Katie, Garrett
Work time on Holocaust Inquiry (start of your research shared with me)

Prezi, HaikuDeck, Thinglink, Picktochart, Movie Maker, WeVideo, search around for other ways to present

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday, Dec. 3 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Research Tips in Library
Expanding knowledge of background and impact of historical events as represented in literature (Research on the Holocaust): introduced
First, make sure you’ve read to page 65, and have notes on 60-65 to discuss with a small group: Make sure you create at least one question on the pages read!**
Once you have that, make sure you have written the following things:
In Journal section: One short paragraph explaining what concentration camp life has made of Elie so far (last line read on 54)**
Then pick a section/idea from page 47-54 and respond to it/reflect on it (shorter journal)
You need one journal entry from pg 54-65
If you finish all of this before we move on, work on your project (either finishing the social issue one or starting the Holocaust one) or read your independent book!!!

Chapter 4 small group

Small Group on the End of Ch. 4

First talk about what you wrote for what concentration camp life had made of Elie (the paragraph you wrote).

 Then discuss the questions/notes that you all created while reading on your own.  Each of you need to lead the discussion of your own topics. 
Once you’ve done this, talk about what the section you read on your own (61-65) was about.
What specifically happened to those hanged?
Why were they hanged?
What was the difference between the two incidents?
What did Elie mean by the comment about the soup?
What were your reactions to this section?

Did you have any questions about the section? What were they? Discuss as a group.

Post your group's comments/ideas on all of these questions as a comment on this post.  Make sure to begin the post with all of your names, and then go on to the points that were discussed.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday, Dec. 2 Agenda

Bell Ringer:  Night
Ch 1-3 Small Group Discussion
Chapter 4: read to page 54 (stop at the ellipses (…) at the bottom)
In Journal section: One short paragraph explaining what concentration camp life has made of Elie so far (last line read on 54)
Then pick a section/idea from page 47-54 and respond to it/reflect on it (shorter journal)
Things to work on when done with your response for 47-54: READ your book (needs to be done by end of semester); peer reviews (if necessary); read through the reviews for YOUR project; project work time (if necessary to make your project exemplary in ALL categories of the rubric)
Reading Night

I read to: 61