Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday, Feb. 28 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Craft lesson section: Persuasive or Informative presentation
What are the goals?
What it looks like, sounds like
Banned Books Discussion
Finish Book
Final Presentation Introduction
Presentation Work Time
Topic Choice update…
By the end of today/beginning of tomorrow you should have a selection of potential sources and you should have a selection of quotes from the book you are considering.
I will be checking for at least 10 potential sources at the start of work time Thursday
You should start notes on the potential sources once you have 10+ articles/videos.
Notes can be typed or by hand, but keep track of what info comes from what source and what info is a direct quote vs your words

Remember, you need visuals (pictures, videos, icons, graphs, etc)

Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday, Feb. 26 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Writing: ACT Essay Eval: Ideas and Analysis; Development and Support;  Language Use (look at the packet you evaluated last week)
Themes List: Pick three of the themes from the list and explain how those themes can be seen.  For two of the three you need to use textual evidence
Explain in detail (using textual evidence for all three themes, if you want to make your argument stronger).
Example paragraph is on the theme list

Ch 20

Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday, Feb. 23 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
ACT Writing Eval: Organization
Organization 6: There is a strong controlling idea; logical progression of ideas; transitions between paragraphs and ideas
Organization 2: There is a very basic organizational structure; ideas are not grouped consistently; there are minimal, poorly formed, or misleading transitions
Underline thesis, underline/circle transitions, label parts of the paper (intro, body, conclusion), evaluate how you organized your ideas and information.
Write Organization and the number rating on your essay.  Then explain in a sentence why you have given yourself that number (1-6)
WN Entry: What does this chapter say about fathers? Why would Zits’ father have this memory and how would it affect his decision in the end? What are some of the effects of this that echo through Zits’ life? –when you have finished writing this, read your independent book
Discussion of Ch 18

Chapter 19

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Thursday, Feb. 22 Agenda

Bell Ringer: What are some possible themes of the story? (aim for 5-8 or more)
Big ideas we’ve looked at plus a message about each that are echoed throughout, what a lot of the story connects to, start a list on Google Docs and share with me. If you are going for a theme, it should be a big idea and a message about that idea.
ACT Timed Essay

Chapter 18

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wednesday, Feb. 21 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
Chapters 16-17
Discussion of 16-17
Were you surprised when it was his father? Why yes or no
Why do you think he was taunting the two? Give a few ideas if you have more than one
How would the story cause respect?
ACT Timed Essay Prep
Create a document with two different perspectives people could have about Juniors (you) reading the book Flight
Share the document with me

Evaluate example essays

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tuesday, Feb. 20 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Flight ch 14-15
Discuss with partner: Why does Zits jump into Gus’ body? Why does he jump into Jimmy’s body?  -answer these questions on the back of transformation worksheet
Things to think of: Similarities of characters; Differences of characters; Lessons that can be learned?; Connections between what characters are doing and what Zits did?; etc
Discuss the most recent two entries in your Writer’s Notebook with a partner plus:
How many books that have been challenged in the past do you think you’ve read? What are the top reasons that books are challenged (in general)? What are the different reasons why this book (Flight) could be controversial? What are issues in this book that are issues to teens today? What in Zits’ life has made him a controversial person? Are those things filled with controversy?
Post the answers to this question on the blog post
Banned books discussion tomorrow
Writer’s Notebook: What are some possible perspectives that people could have on this book and that you have on this book? (What sort of people could be impacted by this book? What details/points in the book/details of Zits’ life could connect with people and why/how? Should it be read by teens? Are there serious issues with the content of the book? Etc.)

Independent book

Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday, Feb. 19 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Flight ch. 12-13 –take out quote tracing and transformation sheets, fill out while we read
Collect papers at end of work time (40 minutes)
All papers must have a works cited page (everyone will have the book Flight as an entry, plus what ever other sources you used) –see document shared with you in Drive for directions
Use the rubric to check that you have everything!
Paper clip rubric, paper, works cited page together and turn in to stool then read your independent book

Flight ch 14-15

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thursday, Feb. 15 Agenda

Bell Ringer: **In writer’s notebook: What books have you read (or been exposed to) that you feel should not be accessible to children or teens? Why or why not?  What books have you read that you think ‘adults’ may have issues with? Why would they?
Discuss the following question with your partner, then in WN, write about Flight –is it ‘bad’, should it be challenged or banned? Why do you think people could have had problems with it?
Bring this paragraph and the one from yesterday/today to me when you are finished, then work on your paper
Writer’s Workshop time for compare and contrast essay
At this point you should be working on your second draft of all paragraphs
If you want me to read through, talk to me and let me know if I should read for craft or editing
If I’ve read through for one, you can ask me to read through for the other
Works Cited Page


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Wednesday, Feb. 14 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Finish ch 11
How have the past three situations in the book (the Indians after the Battle of Little Big Horn, the attack of the settlers, and the attack of the Indian camp) been similar?
Create a bulleted list of all the ways they are alike with person next to you, post it on my edublogs blog, then discuss the ideas of violence/revenge/victim/etc and post evidence for that
Writer’s Workshop
At this point you should be working on your second draft of all paragraphs
You should have a similarity and a difference for each of your three topics.  This means you should have at least four pieces of evidence from your research and at a minimum three pieces from Flight.
If you want me to read through, talk to me and let me know if I should read for craft or editing
If I’ve read through for one, you can ask me to read through for the other
Final Background Presentation (9/11)

**In writer’s notebook: What books have you read (or been exposed to) that you feel should not be accessible to children or teens? Why or why not?  What books have you read that you think ‘adults’ may have issues with? Why would they?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday, Feb. 13 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop
Intro/Conclusion Notes –shared with you in drive
Write Intro and Conclusion –on the same document with your body paragraphs, in the right order of paragraphs
Body paragraphs second draft
Make sure you have all colors represented in the total draft
Each paragraph must have a topic sentence, an intro to a piece of evidence, a quote/piece of evidence and analysis about what that evidence shows about the topic sentence. 
Some will then repeat that sequence in the same paragraph, with a transition rather than a topic sentence.  Others will write a new paragraph following the same sequence.
If you want me to read through, come tell me if you want me to read for craft or editing –I will only read through sections that you’ve worked on (since you’ve HOPEFULLY submitted a full draft to Turnitin)
Flight Ch. 10-11 (stopped at page 91)

Reading time for OWN BOOK –need to finish in about a month!!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday, Feb. 12 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop
Check Highlighted Body Paragraphs
Intro/Conclusion Notes
Write Intro and Conclusion
Body paragraphs second draft
Make sure you have all colors represented in the total draft
As in you must have THREE topics and for each topic you must have at least one QUOTE FROM FLIGHT, one SIMILARITY, and one DIFFERENCE
All paragraphs must have a topic sentence that is proven with the evidence cited
I’ll be reading through paragraphs during work time (if you finish and upload -Everyone must have a completed draft uploaded to turnitin)
American Indian Wars Group Presentation

Flight Ch. 9

Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday, Feb. 9 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop Time
Your body paragraphs (or at the absolute minimum, one of them) should be done by: 1:15
If you aren’t done with the rough draft of body paragraphs by the end of class, they are homework!!!  You should have all body paragraphs color coded by Monday!
First Draft BODY PARAGRAPHS need to be uploaded to Turnitin by Saturday night to be on time
Color Coding your draft:
Red: Topic Sentence/transition
Blue: Info from Flight
Green: Info from other source similar to Flight/Zits
Purple: Info from other source different from Flight/Zits
Yellow: In-text citation (credit to author of information cited)
Pink: Analysis explaining how your evidence shows your point (your opinions, ideas, etc)
Independent Reading/Research
Read own book (you need to finish at least one book by the end of the term (can vary based on length of book), but more than one equals EXTRA CREDIT with book completion sheet)

Flight Chapter 8 –add “coming of age” to back page

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thursday, Feb. 8 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
Independent Reading Blog Post
When you’ve posted on YOUR blog, either read your independent book, or for the two groups who have not presented, you need to work for at least a small time on your presentation
Coming of Age –go find your group from yesterday, with your computer
What is it?
How seen around the world?
Share document with me when done and work on notes/body paragraphs for Compare/Contrast Paper
Writer’s Workshop
Notes finished by end of class today at the latest!
Work on body paragraphs: due after 40 minutes tomorrow

If you are done with your body paragraphs, you can read your independent book

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Wednesday, Feb. 7 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop Time
All Notes done by: tomorrow after 20 minutes
Body Paragraphs: Rough Drafts due by Friday (complete by middle of work time) –look at body para doc shared with you Class ID: 17439798  Enrollment Key: ContempSp18
Battle of Little-Big-Horn Presentation
Chapter 7

Small Group Discussion

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday, Feb. 6 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Writer’s Workshop –turn on your computer and go to your notes document
Finding support for your topic (research)
Body Paragraph Format
Organizing Paragraphs
Body Paragraph writing (beginning of paragraph added to document on drive as example)
Begin Rough Draft (body paragraphs)
Chapter 6
Research/Independent Reading
Ben’s Group–you are presenting tomorrow
Tim’s Group–presenting on Friday

Evan H.’s Group–presenting Mon

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday, Feb. 5 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Independent Research/Reading
Tanner’s Group Presentation
Chapter 5 reading
Small Group Discussion –see edublogs site for specifics
Best Evidence of a theme and evidence from ch 4-5
How are we (the readers) like Zits at this point in the book (how are we in a similar situation while reading)?
How are Zits and Hank similar? Different?
How are Zits and Junior similar? Different?
Writer’s Workshop

Start research (need evidence from both Flight and the other text/online research (even for yourself, see comment on document): Need the notes and at least one source on it shared with me by the end of the block

Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday, February 2 Agenda

Bell Ringer: ACT Prep
Background Research/Independent Reading
Ghost Dance group presentation
While they are talking, write (in class notes sections) a quick answer to each of these questions based on the info they give us
Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Connection to Zits?
Rest of ch 3, Chapter 4
Writer’s Workshop

Begin research (continue with quote tracing for Zits’ char., then go to online research for your topics)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thursday, Feb. 1 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Discuss Writer’s Notebook entry from Wed.
Writer’s Workshop
Compare and Contrast Essay
You are comparing and contrasting Zits’ character with any of the following: another teen in a novel, a teen in ‘real life’ (general), yourself
Step One: Choose a topic (what are you comparing him to?)
Step Two: Graphic Organizer
Categories on the notes sheet?
Independent Reading Time
First half of ch. 3
Research/Presentation Creation Time
