Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday, Jan. 20 Agenda

TTTC One Pager
Pick the paper you would like to use
Make sure you have proper supplies to create it (I would say you DEFINITELY want color, unless the lack of color is something that you are incorporating into your interpretation)
Finish your one-pager, and hand it in.  The rest of the time can be finishing your paper, finishing your book completion, working on missing work, or if you have nothing else, I will give you a task
Book Completion sheet (staple the assignment sheet to your NINE sentence starters)
Your final draft needs to be printed out by 9:55, here’s what you need (the first thing listed should be on the top, last thing on the bottom, then paper clip it all together):
Typed paper in 12pt font, double spaced
If you wrote about 1 or 2 careers, your artifacts will be turned in too
Works Cited page
Body paragraphs: can be in any order that you feel works for your paper’s organization
Basic info of career
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
End body para, which is the best choice and why (compare/contrast the careers, or explain why, based on the above information, this one career is the best for you)

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday, Jan. 19 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Explain One Pager on The Things They Carried
Assessment on The Things They Carried = Creative One Pager TOMORROW, plan a little now!!
Things to plan: quotes, sketches of images, overall ideas, what your intention/meaning is
Career Project work time
YOU MUST MEET WITH ME TODAY if you didn’t yesterday
LOOK AT YOUR RUBRIC TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Body paragraphs: can be in any order that you feel works for your paper’s organization
Basic info of career
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
End body para, which is the best choice and why (compare/contrast the careers, or explain why, based on the above information, this one career is the best for you)
Don’t forget that your paper needs an introduction and a works cited page.  Use the rubric to check that you are prepared to hand in your paper tomorrow!!
You need to meet with me about a portion of your paper: if you have questions on a comment I made, or if you want me to check through a paragraph, or if you want to take a look at what you have created for the artifact(s), those would be good choices to meet about.

Book Completion sheet due tomorrow!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday, Jan. 18 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Career Project work time: Intro example
Body paragraphs: can be in any order that you feel works for your paper’s organization
Basic info of career
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
End body para, which is the best choice and why (compare/contrast the three)
You should be working on or revising your body paragraphs or reading your book for your book completion sheet (or working on missing work if you have any) [if you have nothing English related to do, come to me and I will give you a task]
Class Answers for Mary Anne’s Transformation Questions
Read “Ambush” p 131, then in WN: Compare “Ambush” to “The Man I Killed.” How are they similar, how different? Why did he write about basically the same thing twice? Which do you like more? Why?

Assessment on The Things They Carried = Creative One Pager Friday

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday, Jan. 17 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Career Project work time: If you had shared your draft yesterday, work on comments, otherwise WORK ON DRAFT AND SHARE ASAP!!!
Body paragraphs: can be in any order that you feel works for your paper’s organization
Basic info of career
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
End body para, which is the best choice and why (compare/contrast the three)
Contact someone with one of the jobs and ask questions (day in the life, what advice, etc), make sure to record answers to use on the paper (email counts)
The Man I Killed” p124
In Writer’s notebook: How do Kiowa and Tim react to bad situations? Why did the narrator keep repeating the same things? Why did he make up all of this background for the dead man?
When done you can work on your body paragraphs or your book completion sheet.

REMINDER: Your book completion sheet is also due on FRIDAY!!  Make sure you are finishing up those nine sentence starters with a shorter paragraph each

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday, Jan. 16 Agenda

Bell Ringer: English Use Artifact created by you…
Career Project work time: ROUGH DRAFT DUE TODAY!!
Another site to use, especially for skills needed:
Body paragraphs: can be in any order that you feel works for your paper’s organization
Basic info of career
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
End body para, which is the best choice and why (compare/contrast the two-three) or explain why the one career is the only one for you
You need to contact at least one person in one of your careers.  If you contact more, that means you have to do less research (day in the life and reading/writing/speaking/listening information)

REMINDER: Your book completion sheet is also due on FRIDAY!!  Make sure you are finishing up those nine sentence starters with a shorter paragraph each

Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday, Jan. 13 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Discussion on “Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong”, writing when done with discussion
Body paragraphs: can be in any order that you feel works for your paper’s organization
Basic info of career
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
End body para, which is the best choice and why (compare/contrast the two or three) or WHY you know this is the only career for you

You need to contact at least one person in one of your careers.  If you contact more, that means you have to do less research (day in the life and reading/writing/speaking/listening information)

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thursday, January 12 Agenda

Bell Ringer- Finish “Sweetheart…”pg 105-end: Discuss questions with partner when done
Career Project work time
Career Cruising site has LOTS of information when it comes to the day in the life part as well as the basic info has lots of the skills information
Body paragraphs: can be in any order that you feel works for your paper’s organization
Basic info of career
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
End body para, which is the best choice and why (compare/contrast the two or three if you have them)

You need to contact at least one person in one of your careers.  If you contact more, that means you have to do less research (day in the life and reading/writing/speaking/listening information): I need to see questions TODAY!! (at least 10)

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wednesday, Jan. 11 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong pg 89-105
While reading, answer questions and write own questions when pause: discuss first side of questions with partner
Career Project work time
Continue notes: again the MOST IMPORTANT PART is the ENGLISH SKILLS section
By today (middle/end of work time) your notes should be done and you should be starting your body paragraphs on Thursday
Career Cruising site has LOTS of information when it comes to the day in the life part as well as the basic info has a lot for the skills (basic, daily, and English related)
You need to contact at least one person in one of your careers.  If you contact more, that means you have to do less research (day in the life and reading/writing/speaking/listening information): I need to see your questions today!
You need to give me your interview questions ASAP (you should have at least 10, and they should be based of the information you need for the project that you haven’t found in your online research) -doc shared w/?s

Artifacts (if you are only researching one or two careers)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tuesday, Jan. 10 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Go to Schoology and post at least two separate comments on the Post it discussion board from what you marked yesterday when reading
Discussion: Need to discuss for at least 20 min.  Once all have shared postits, read through all posts and responded to two not in your group, discuss and write your answers on Schoology for these questions:
According to O'Brien, how do you tell a true war story? What does he mean when he says that true war stories are never about war? What does he mean when he writes of one story, "That's a true story that never happened"?
What are some challenges soldiers might face in communicating their experiences in war to civilians, using examples from the text. Why is it so hard to tell a true war story? How, according to O'Brien, can we tell if a war story is true?
Reminder of requirements
Basic info of career
Preparation, what the job consists of, etc.
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
Skills, tasks, etc.
You need to contact at least one person in one of your careers.  If you contact more, that means you have to do less research (day in the life and reading/writing/speaking/listening information)
You need to give me your interview questions ASAP (you should have at least 10, and they should be based of the information you need for the project that you haven’t found in your online research)
Artifacts (if you are only researching one or two careers)
Career work time/independent reading time/book completion sheet time

Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday, Jan. 9 Agenda

Bell Ringer: What should a war story have in it? List as many characteristics as you can –characters, events, items, places, etc.
How to Tell a True War Story
While reading, mark with postits to have a discussion
Read the story “A True War Story” pg 67
In Writer’s Notebook: Answer these questions about the story:
What could the water buffalo represent? Why? (pg 79)
What is true in all war stories, according to the author, even if the events are not? (82, 83, 85)
Read the last line on page 85.  What does that mean? Who is he talking about (specific and general)?
Bring these answers and what you marked with postitsup to me when completed! Then work on your research notes
Work Time on Career Notes

At least two sources (starting points if career cruiser, etc) per career

Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday, Jan. 6 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Small Group:  Discuss “On the Rainy River”
What are stories for?
What Tim says…
As you read with the group, highlight Tim’s comments for important details that connect to ‘storytelling’/what stories are for and the ‘truth’ of “On the Rainy River”
Talk about what you marked with your group and mark additional things from discussion if needed
Is it different knowing it’s technically not real? Explain in writing whether or not it is important for it to be ‘true’ or ‘real
Write this as a comment on Schoology

Work Time on Career Project

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thursday, Jan. 5 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Read the posts from classmates, respond to at least two
Finish “On the Rainy River” Questions (I will be checking posts while you work on answering the questions)
Once this is done, finish reading the section
At the end of "On the Rainy River," the narrator says, "I was a coward. I went to the war." What does he mean by this? Do you agree? You will write three paragraphs: first: explaining how this could be true, second: how this could be false and third: which do you most agree with and why?
Bring this up to me when you are done
When done, read your book or work on your book completion sheet
Career Interest Survey (linked on Schoology) –they are basically the same, just pick the one you like best (one from MN colleges, one from WI tech colleges)
Career Project- Final Project for the Class –due 1/20
1-3 careers
Interview with someone in one field

Paper with research and examples of writing/reading/communicating done in the careers

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wednesday, Jan. 4 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Post-it check –while waiting, read your own book (book completion sentence starters due on the 20th)
Discuss the stories with small group
Post your group’s best ideas, insights, and answers to the three most important questions (in your group’s opinion); also what you believe the purpose of the chapters would be on Schoology
When you finish, read your independent book
Read “On Rainy…” in book
1. What were Tim’s options once he received his draft notice?
2.  Who did he hold responsible for his situation?
Read 46-56 (“What would you do?”)
Post 3 comments (based on your post its) on the discussion board

Questions from “On Rainy…” on Schoology: answer them on the blank sheet of paper you took out (if you have time, we will have time for this part at the start of class tomorrow)

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tuesday, Jan. 3 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Read 19-21
Finish reading 20-26
Writing based on page 20 quotes: Explain what, in detail, these quotes mean:
“They were afraid of dying but they were even more afraid to show it” (O’Brien 20).
“They used a hard vocabulary to contain the terrible softness” (O’Brien 20).
“It wasn’t cruelty, just stage presence. They were actors” (O’Brien 20).
“They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die…the intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they had tangible weight” (O’Brien 21).
Tangible –can be felt, touched
In = not
When done, read to page 26, then bring your explanations and list of things carried to me.
Then read your own book until we move on.  
Book Completion Sheet Explanation
Independently Read “Love” and “Spin” (the questions to mark evidence about are on Schoology)
While reading, mark evidence in the book to help you answer questions as well as keep track of important ideas or events, and mark areas of confusion (where you have questions)
Check notes on “Love” and “Spin”: when you are done, bring them to me (your book filled with post-its)

If you finished the two stories, read your independent book or fill out the book completion sheet (grab one from the last folder in the crate, ask questions if you have any).