Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Tuesday, June 5 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Read “Ambush” p 131, then in WN: Compare “Ambush” to “The Man I Killed.” How are they similar, how different? Why did he write about basically the same thing twice? Which do you like more? Why?
Explain One Pager on The Things They Carried
Career Project work time
YOU MUST MEET WITH ME TODAY if you didn’t yesterday
LOOK AT YOUR RUBRIC TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Body paragraphs: can be in any order that you feel works for your paper’s organization
Basic info of career
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
End body para, which is the best choice and why (compare/contrast the careers, or explain why, based on the above information, this one career is the best for you)
Don’t forget that your paper needs an introduction and a works cited page.  Use the rubric to check that you are prepared to hand in your paper tomorrow!!
You need to meet with me about a portion of your paper: if you have questions on a comment I made, or if you want me to check through a paragraph, or if you want to take a look at what you have created for the artifact(s), those would be good choices to meet about.

Book Completion sheet due today!!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Monday, June 4 Agenda

Bell Ringer: Library Talk
“The Man I Killed” p124
In Writer’s notebook: How do Kiowa and Tim react to bad situations? Why did the narrator keep repeating the same things? Why did he make up all of this background for the dead man?
Career Project work time: Intro example
Body paragraphs: can be in any order that you feel works for your paper’s organization
Basic info of career
Benefits and drawbacks
Reading and Writing needs
Speaking and Listening needs
Day in the life
End body para, which is the best choice and why (compare/contrast the three)
You should be working on or revising your body paragraphs or reading your book for your book completion sheet {DUE TOMORROW} (or working on missing work if you have any) [if you have nothing English related to do, come to me and I will give you a task]