Monday, November 16, 2015

Holocaust Background

At this point in time, you have probably studied the Holocaust a few times in school and been exposed to books or movies that occur in this time (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Book Thief, etc.).  We are going to be reading the book Night by Elie Wiesel, which will give us insight to an individual who lived through this horrendous time period.

With a partner, you need to brainstorm all that you know about the Holocaust (time, people, places, etc.).  You need to post that brainstormed list as a comment to this post and we will use the lists as we begin to discuss our next book.


  1. Started around 1928
    Ended in 1944
    Not just Jewish but also gay, mentally challenged.
    World War 2.
    People were forced to work.

  2. It was in the 1940's
    Jewish people were not the only victims
    People were put into concentration camps, death camps and ghettos
    Hitler saw the world as pure without Jewish people.
    Stalin also had a big part in the killing of innocent people

  3. ww2
    mentally handicapped
    gay people
    work camps turned into concentration camps
    gas chambers
    firing squads
    biggest mass murder in history
    warsaw act
    warsaw ghetto
    polish kz camps
    human experiments

    Rasmus and Autumn

  4. Occurred during the Second Great War. Started by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Regime. Jews, Blacks, Gays, Gypsies, and everyone else who didn't fit in society were put into camps, medical facilities for experimentation, and most were either starved to death or killed in gas chambers. Ended at the end of WW2.

    1. This was brought to you by G-money and Codiac Poeschl

  5. It was in the 1940's
    Jewish people were not the only victims
    People were put into concentration camps, death camps and ghettos
    Hitler saw the world as pure without Jewish people.
    Stalin also had a big part in the killing of innocent people

  6. Many deaths
    Hitler started it
    Different cultures were killed

  7. 1.Jews,homosexuals-and the disabled.
    2. 1930-1945
    3. camps were made to exterminate the group on top.
    4.a special groups was made to hunt down Jews
    5. 9 million Jews were exterminated
    6. Hitler named this plan to kill off the Jews the final solution
    caseyb mat

  8. Devin's and Gavin's knowledge of the Holocaust
    When: -Late 1940's
    Where: -
    Who: - Jews, targeted (Homosexuals, disabled)
    Why: - Hitler believed it was his way, and his duty to do exterminate these people and do others a favor
    Other: - Thinking about 7 million died, different experiments took place such as, seeing how long people could go without freezing, gaining more knowledge of twins... etc... There was many different concentration camps. Hitler did not believe in the Bible and went out of his way to discourage it.
    -Families were separated from each other
    -Females & males separated
    -Gas chambers
    -Many died from disease and starvation
    -If not strong enough/healthy enough to work they were killed
    -City gained knowledge of this event, became aware of the situation and eventually stopped
    -Hidden concentration camps
